The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo
Top Story
Impact Segment
Unresolved Problems Segment
Factor Follow Up Segment
Personal Story Segment
Back of Book Segment
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The Schiavo Case
"The Supreme Court will not hear the Schiavo case, simply because the court does not want to undermine state authority in matters where the states have jurisdiction. But there are some unanswered questions in the case, and those questions deserve attention. Judge George Greer must protect himself and the state of Florida by explaining some of the on-the-record allegations. Most troubling are sworn affidavits by two nurses that say Michael Schiavo may have abused Terri as early as the mid-90's and say that he wanted her to die. To be fair, a state review of Terri's medical records found no abuse whatsoever. All of this is important, but futile. Unless Michael Schiavo changes his mind and drops his lawsuit, Terri Schiavo will be dead within days. As Talking Points has put forth, that's a shame. The bottom line on the story right now is that the legal system worked the way it should, but morally there is no reason Terri Schiavo should die. Her wishes are in dispute, as the guardian's report makes very clear. Michael Schiavo should walk away and allow Terri's family to extend her life."
Political Implications of Schiavo Case
Guest: Dick Morris, Political Analyst and author of "Because He Could" and "Rewriting History"
What is the political fallout of the Terri Schiavo controversy? Fox News analyst Dick Morris joined The Factor and noted that politicians have approached the issue in extremely different ways. "I was surprised that the Democratic Party didn't take a position on this. They're scared to death of this issue, and they ran for cover. And on the other side, Florida Governor Bush has hurt himself by going so far out on this issue." Morris contended that the Schiavo case has captured the national stage because it touches a sympathetic chord in nearly everyone. "The thing that makes this so politically important is that it's the one aspect of the Christian right agenda that affects all of us. We're all going to die, and a lot of us are going to die in circumstances like this. We all know perfectly well we could be Terri Schiavo."
Talk Radio and The Schiavo Case
Guest: John Gambling, New York Broadcaster
Talk radio has been dominated by the Terri Schiavo controversy, with most hosts and callers arguing to extend her life. But on WABC in New York, long time broadcaster John Gambling has taken the other side, urging that Terri Schiavo be allowed to die. "I certainly have incredible empathy for the families," Gambling told The Factor, "but this has gone through the process for fifteen years. And according to Michael Schiavo, Terri does not want the feeding tube." Gambling said his listeners have been exceptionally passionate about this issue. "It's the emotion of this whole story, which is why this is a dominant story. It has to do with core beliefs, and it's tied closely to the abortion question."
Painful Death?
Guest: Dr. Carlos Gomez, Associate Director of the Capital Hospice
One difficult aspect of the Terri Schiavo controversy is her slow death by starvation. Some claim it is an agonizing way to die, while others maintain she feels no pain. Dr. Carlos Gomez of the Capital Hospice, who has spent years tending to dying patients, told The Factor no one can actually be certain. "I don't think we know the truth. It's not fair to presume that Terri Schiavo will not be able to interpret pain signals. But it's also incorrect to definitively say she won't feel pain." Gomez added that medical professionals will do everything possible to prevent discomfort. "We clearly don't want to see any human being in agony. You can use tiny amounts of medication in patients like this and make sure they're not suffering as they die."
Professor Investigation
Guest: David Harsanyi, Denver Post Columnist
The University of Colorado has been investigating radical professor Ward Churchill. In addition to his attacks on the victims of 9/11, Churchill has been accused of plagiarism and lying about his ethnic background. The panel in charge of the investigation has now recommended that the matter be taken up by another committee, and David Harsanyi of the Denver Post accused the university of stalling. "What I think they're doing is clearing the table of a lot of issues and concentrating on the plagiarism and the ethnicity issues. I wouldn't be surprised if they buy him out at some point, but I don't think they're going to fire him." The Factor asserted that university officials are searching for an easy way out. "I see cowardice at the University of Colorado. I think they're trying to trick everyone by not making a decision and hoping it goes away. They're too cowardly to rule on the merits of the case."
Deserting to Canada
Guests: Mark Hosenball, Investigative Correspondent for Newsweek and Deroy Murdock, Columnist
At least five deserters from the US military have sought asylum in Canada, and Canadian authorities have now ruled that one of them is not entitled to refugee status. In addition, the Canadian government has allowed convicted terrorist Fateh Kamel to return to the country. Kamel was jailed and served four years in France for conspiring to blow up Paris Metro stations. Mark Hosenball has been reporting on the case for Newsweek Magazine. "Canada's claim is that there's nothing they can do about it because he's a Canadian citizen and they have to let him back in. They have problems balancing civil liberties against threats, and there is also perhaps an attitude of not wanting to be seen as America's poodle." Columnist Deroy Murdock contended Canada is not a full partner in the war on terror. "They perhaps didn't feel struck as hard as we were in 9/11. Until a few years ago they didn't even have an anti-terrorist law. They're coming to this fight late."
Cultural Battle
Guest: Reverend Ted Haggard, President of the National Association of Evangelicals
The Factor has frequently argued that the Schiavo case is only one battle in the bitter war between secularists and Christians. Rev. Ted Haggard of the National Association of Evangelicals said emotions run high because the case includes so many hot-button topics. "We have the issue of marriage, the issue of courts versus the legislature, and we have the issue of life." Haggard tried to allay fears that evangelical Christians wield an undue influence on government policy. "We're certainly not for a theocracy, but we want life to be good for everyone. There used to be a time when liberals would protect the underprivileged, and now we're in a position where it's the church that stands up and defends the underprivileged. That's why we're interested in people who are brain-damaged or disabled having a higher quality of life."
Book Mentions
Check out the books mentioned during this show.
Because He Could
by Dick Morris

Rewriting History
by Dick Morris