The Factor Rundown
Unresolved Problems Segment
Book Mentions
Clarifying illegal immigration
"Massive demonstrations are planned throughout the USA Monday, and despite propaganda that says otherwise, these rallies are all about one thing - giving illegal immigrants amnesty. If you believe the polls, overwhelmingly Americans oppose amnesty. Senator Kennedy and far left politicians know that, so they are trying to sell the 'civil rights' card. All human beings should be treated with respect, but nobody's 'civil rights' are violated when the US government secures its borders and demands accountability for breaking the law. Meanwhile, the California State Senate approved a measure encouraging people to support Monday's pro-amnesty rally. So my question is, 'who are these politicians looking out for?' California has been devastated by the failure to secure the border. But in many liberal circles, especially media ones, it is politically correct to sympathize with poor people trying to get a better life. I do sympathize with them, and always have. But the US and Mexican governments have refused to do right by these people. The Mexican powers are so corrupt they can't sustain a decent economy; the American powers are so afraid of big business and racial demagogues, they refuse to secure the border. So the amnesty people will be out in force, but millions of other Americans will be privately seething because they know the truth. Amnesty solves nothing, the chaos will continue." Fox News Video:
New information on Duke accuser
Guests: Georgia prosecutor Eleanor Dixon & former prosecutor Nicole Deborde
It now turns out that the stripper who claims she was raped by Duke lacrosse players made similar accusations ten years ago. The Factor declared the case all but over. "If I'm on the jury, I'm not putting two 20-year old kids away for ten years on the testimony of a woman who a policeman found drunk, has a dubious past, and has a prior claim of rape. I think this is a bogus case." Georgia prosecutor Eleanor Dixon suggested otherwise. "Perhaps the DA is withholding some evidence. You don't lay all your cards out on the table because you may have some evidence you don't want the public to know." And former prosecutor Nicole Deborde agreed that the case should go forward. "Justice calls for a day in court. Jurors will hear all the facts of the case and be able to sort it out. The fact that she may have been victimized before may have empowered her on this occasion to come forward and make the accusations."
California endorses demonstrations
Guests: Former San Francisco city supervisor Angela Alioto & Republican strategist Karen Hanretty
The California Senate has endorsed Monday's pro-immigration rallies, and Republican strategist Karen Hanretty denounced the lawmakers as irresponsible. "I think in their heart of hearts they support amnesty and an open border with Mexico. The message they're sending is that if you're a school child, don't bother going to school Monday." Former San Francisco Supervisor Angela Alioto disputed Hanretty's claims. "I don't think they're saying they want an open border; they're saying there should be amnesty for the hard-working poor people who have come here because of the disastrous government in Mexico." The Factor accused Alioto and her allies of demagoguing the issue. "I think all this is a charade. To stop illegal immigration you build a wall and back it up with the National Guard. You would oppose that, so would everyone marching on Monday, and so would the press. You guys don't want effective enforcement."
Problems abound in Mexico
Guest: Tim Padgett, Time Magazine
One reason so many Mexicans head north is that their own nation is riddled with high unemployment, corruption, and crime. Time Magazine's Tim Padgett reported that parts of Mexico are controlled by drug gangs. "Mexico is experiencing what Columbia experienced in the 1990's when the drug cartels broke up, and the vacuum is filled by smaller, but far more violent groups. They're responsible for the kind of carnage we're seeing in Mexico right now - horrific, daily violence. Drug groups are killing police and journalists who report on drug atrocities. This certainly drives Mexicans north where it's safer to raise a family."
Big oil under fire
Guest: Fox News business VP Neil Cavuto
Under pressure to do something about high gasoline prices, politicians have proposed breaking up big oil companies or enacting a windfall profits tax. Fox News business anchor Neil Cavuto argued that the government can actually do very little. "All these solutions are desperation measures. The fact is that you can not offer short term solutions for what is a long term issue. The government can encourage conservation, exploration and alternative fuel sources." The Factor predicted the White House will take action, if only for political reasons. "The Bush administration has to do something concrete to survive next November's elections. There's going to be action against oil companies because the companies have lost credibility among the folks."
Thoughts on "United Flight 93"
Guests: Fox News entertainment reporter Bill McCuddy & Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times
The new film "United 93" dramatically explores the 9/11 hijacking that ended when the jet crashed in Pennsylvania. Film critic Richard Roeper gave the movie an unconditional thumbs-up. "This film is done so respectfully and it's so insightful that people should see it. People will be inspired by the actions of the passengers, and will be reminded of who the real bad guys are." Fox News correspondent Bill McCuddy warned that the movie may be too powerful for some viewers. "You're going to go back to that day and re-live it, and everything that happened in your psyche is going to be conjured up again. You see throats slashed and you see people claw their way into that cockpit, and I'm not sure everyone in America wants to see that." The Factor advised everyone to make their own decision. "I won't see it because where I live on Long Island about 30 families lost people on 9/11. The Al Qaeda attack is emotional for me, and I don't have to be reminded of it - every day I see little kids who don't have a dad or a mom."
The UN & Iran's nuclear program
Guest: Fox News correspondent Eric Shawn
Police in West Palm Beach, Florida arrested radio host Rush Limbaugh on prescription drug fraud charges, after what Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano described as a politically motivated prosecution. "This is an active, aggressive liberal Democrat prosecutor who worked for the Gore-Lieberman campaign. This is a simultaneous arrest and dismissal of the charges. He pleads not guilty, he admits to no wrong-doing, and he agrees to keep his nose clean. This is a colossal victory for Rush Limbaugh." The Factor questioned whether this can actually be called a victory. "Every newscast in the country is re-hashing this, the papers will mock him, and Leno and Letterman will make jokes. If this was done for political reasons, it's wrong."
Viewers sound off
Many of you commented on high energy prices. Some excerpts:
B. Norcini, Houston, TX: "I've been in the oil business for almost 25 years. Where were you, Bill, when we were in an extended recession?"
Pam Nila, Downers Grove, IL: "Bill, get real on oil companies. The Bush administration went to Iraq to prevent that country's oil from being sold to china and India."
Richard Davis, Colorado Springs, CO: "Hey, Bill, I recall last year you said we would be in a recession because of high oil prices. You are a dim bulb."
Brian Churchwell, Raleigh, NC: "Bill, the government makes more from a barrel of oil than the companies do. Are they tax gouging?"
Check out the books mentioned during this show.
The U.N. Exposed: How the United Nations Sabotages America's Security and Fails the World
by Eric Shawn