The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Friday, January 27, 2006
The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo
Top Story
Impact Segment
Impact Segment II
Unresolved Problems Segment
Fridays with Geraldo Segment
Back of Book Segment
Factor Mail
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Hamas elected in Palestine
"President Bush wants democracy to take root in the Middle East, and so it has. This week Palestinians elected a terrorist organization, Hamas, which wants to destroy Israel. What this should tell Americans is that democracy doesn't automatically bring good things. Even in Iraq, where American service people are dying, there's no guarantee the people will elect anybody good. So now it's time for President Bush and all Americans to stop the rhetoric and begin defending this nation. The USA is utterly dependent on Arab oil and much of the money goes to terrorists and brutal dictators. The Bush administration has done little to create energy independence - we have the technology but not the will. The administration has badly damaged Al Qaeda and deserves a lot of credit, but now the president must deal with the coming energy crisis in the same aggressive way. It will be interesting to see if he addresses that in Tuesday's State of the Union message. No matter what your politics, you should understand that America's dependence on foreign energy will soon become disastrous and will lead this nation into armed conflicts. That will happen unless things change fast."

Fox News Video:

Alito filibuster threat... busted
Guest: Dr. Larry Sabato, University of Virginia

Liberal Democrats John Kerry and Ted Kennedy urged their Senate colleagues to employ a filibuster to block a vote on Supreme Court nominee Sam Alito. The plan was scuttled by the Democrat leadership, which political analyst Larry Sabato attributed to simple math. "At least ten Democrat senators agreed that they would not support a filibuster. They read public opinion polls, and Alito has support. Most Americans don't want a filibuster on Supreme Court nominees." Sabato predicted Alito will be confirmed early next week.

Judge Cashman revises sentence
Guest: Representative Kurt Wright

On Thursday Vermont Judge Edward Cashman sentenced child rapist Mark Hulett to a 3 to 10 year sentence after his original sentence of 60 days ignited national outrage. State Representative Kurt Wright portrayed it as a partial victory. "It's not enough, but he gave a three-year sentence. It is eighteen times longer than the original sentence." Radio talk show host Paul Beaudry, who is leading a weekend rally to support a Jessica's Law in Vermont, explained the local mood. "The average Vermonter wants to move beyond Cashman. People I've talked to who have had personal dealings with Cashman generally like the guy and want him to stay. A year from now he'll still be on the bench." Factor still hoped Vermont authorities will find a way to remove the judge. "Why would you want to keep a judge who has embarrassed Vermont nationally? He shouldn't be on the bench."

More Cashman analysis
Guest: Joshua Markie, Clastop County District Attorney

The Factor has learned that Judge Cashman may be an adherent of the "restorative justice" theory promoted by left-wing billionaire George Soros. Prosecutor Joshua Marquis explained more about the radical theory. "Soros believes we have to reduce the reliance on prisons, so he's poured tens of millions of dollars into this 'restorative justice' movement, which is centered in Vermont and Minnesota. They believe punishment is bad, that we should literally hold hands - have 'sentencing circles' that will restore criminals to the community." Factor summarized the theory as an affront to justice and common sense. "Punishment is not good - you've got to try to heal the criminal rather than punish the criminal. So in Vermont, the little girl's rights are no more important than the rapist's rights."

The threat from Iran
Guest: Joseph Sirencione, Georgetown University

A majority of Americans favor military action against Iran if it pursues nuclear weapons. Foreign affairs observer Joseph Sirencione claimed Iran is years away from being a nuclear threat. "This is not a case where anyone is telling us there is an imminent threat. It is a threat, but at a very basic level, and negotiations are showing some promise. A military strike would probably accelerate their nuclear program in the long run because Iran would then go all-out." The Factor agreed that a peaceful settlement is preferable, although the military option has to be on the table. "If Iran does not listen to reason, there is going to have to be a confrontation with that country. Israel is never going to allow Iran to have a nuclear device."

Updates on big stories
Guest: Geraldo Rivera

Geraldo Rivera joined The Factor with his observations on various stories. Among them - the case of Neil Entwistle, whose wife and daughter were found murdered near Boston. Rivera suggested that Entwistle, who is in England, certainly appears to be guilty. "His alibi is about as solid as O.J. Simpson's. If he is not a murderer of his wife and baby, he is the unluckiest man alive." Rivera also commented on revelations regarding the death of Princess Diana, killed in a 1997 car crash with her lover Dodi al Fayed. "Mohamed al Fayed, Dodi's father, has been claiming that Queen Elizabeth's husband Prince Philip wanted to kill Dodi and Diana because he could not allow her to marry a Muslim. A coroner's inquiry now says there is more to her death than meets the eye. Remember that Princess Diana wrote in her diary that she feared the British crown was going to have her killed in a crash. This could be a huge story."

Controversy surrounds Frey book
Guest: Michael Smerconish, WPHT-AM & Dom Girodano, Evening Bulletin

Author James Frey now admits that his "memoir" was filled with lies and exaggerations about his addictions, arrests, and rehabilitation. Oprah Winfrey, whose endorsement helped make the book a runaway best-seller, says she was duped by Frey. Radio talk show host Michael Smerconish applauded Oprah for admitting error. "She offered a very real apology, and I thought it was very legitimate. I think she came out of this in great shape." However, reporter Dom Giordano expressed skepticism about the on-air apology. "Oprah should have known earlier that this didn't add up, and I think this was a great ratings ploy. I still think Oprah believes that emotional facts count more than real facts." The Factor boasted about skipping this particular best-seller. "I never bought the book because there is a lot of this around - people saying they were the worst human beings on earth before seeing the light. I believe most of them are charlatans doing it for the money, and I steer away from them."

Viewers sound off
Factor Words of the Day
Many of you wrote about Judge Edward Cashman and his 3 to 10 year sentence for child rapist Mark Hulett. Some excerpts:

Joyce & Frank Coombs, South Burlington, VT: "Bill, wow, Cashman gave the child rapist three years! What a joke. This guy needs the hook."

Kristina Keller, Tempe, AZ: "Mr. O, is the Vermont media more interested in standing up to the judge or standing against you?"

Jim Magill, Charlotte, VT: "I contacted my elected officials regarding Cashman and most were sympathetic towards him."

Sharon Palady, Williston, VT: "Mr. O'Reilly, I was in the courtroom when Hulett was sentenced. I am his neighbor. I knew he was trouble. Vermonters had better wake up. Cashman needs to be removed from the bench."