The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Impact Segment
Unresolved Problems Segment
Factor Follow Up Segment
Personal Story Segment
Back of Book Segment
Factor Mail
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Fox upset on border bill
Guest: Stephen Johnson, Heritage Foundation

"After the House of Representatives passed a border protection act last week, Mexico President Vicente Fox let loose. He calls a proposed wall 'shameful,' and says the legislation is 'driven by people with an unhealthy fear of foreigners.' None of that rhetoric should surprise you - President Fox has done absolutely nothing to prevent millions of people from crossing his northern border and entering the United States. There is no denying that President Fox has lost control of the border. In addition, he has done little to improve the tremendous poverty and corruption that plague Mexican society. His failed administration is chaotic, and millions of people are flowing into the USA. In this age of terrorism that is disastrous. The House bill won't stop illegal immigration, but it will slow things down. The big flaw is the lack of a guest worker program, and Talking Points hopes the Senate will include that provision. Vicente Fox, of course, is not looking out for us - he is desperately trying to prop up his failed administration. But it won't work. Americans do want border security, and it had better happen now."

Fox News Video:

The Factor was joined by Latin America expert Stephen Johnson, who defended the Mexican president. "Fox has been a friend of the United States, and the real enemy is the Mexican Congress. It has failed to support a lot of the economic reforms that would help create jobs and help keep unskilled Mexican workers at home. Blaming Fox is like blaming President Bush for everything that goes wrong in the United States." The Factor reaffirmed that the primary culprit is the man at the top. "I am resentful of President Fox - he goes out and calls us 'shameful,' and he could provide security at that border. He is a weak leader and he is the one who should be ashamed of himself. 47 percent of Mexicans live in poverty, and Fox is complaining about the symbolism of a fence? It's like we're living in the twilight zone."

"Alter"-nate viewpoint
Guest: Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley

In a column posted on the web, Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter actually accuses President Bush of knowing he was breaking the law by authorizing wiretaps without a warrant. Because of his contract with another network, Alter couldn't defend himself on The Factor. But historian Douglas Brinkley described Alter as a sound journalist who was stating his opinion. "The big question here is whether President Bush broke the foreign intelligence surveillance act. President Bush's view is 'so what if I did, there's a war on terror going on.' Alter is coming at this from a left of center point of view, and sometimes you have to throw a bomb to get attention." The Factor criticized Alter for making unsubstantiated charges. "He doesn't have any basis to say the president knew he is a lawbreaker. You can't just pull this out of the air. It's irresponsible."

Intelligent design barred in Penn.
Guest: Fox News chief judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano

There is an ongoing controversy about teaching "intelligent design" as an alternate theory to evolution. In Pennsylvania, Federal Judge John Jones has declared it is unconstitutional to mention intelligent design in biology classes. Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano disagreed with the judge's opinion. "He says even mentioning a deity is a violation of the First Amendment because it is using government money to choose religion over non-religion. Fortunately, his decision is limited to the area where he sits in Pennsylvania. And when Judge Alito replaces Justice O'Connor this kind of nonsense will be gone." The Factor cited this as another example of judicial overreach. "We have a federal judge who says a school can not mention God in a biology class. We're really losing our bearings here. I'm worried about a loss of freedom in this country, and we have to start fighting back or the country's gone."

Christmas attacks in Plano, Tx.
Guest: Greg Knapp, KLIF

Some families in Plano, Texas have filed suit, complaining that local schools are violating their rights of free expression. Elementary school authorities allegedly ordered that a "holiday party" only include white items, and that Christmas colors should be avoided. Dallas talk show host Greg Knapp explained more about the Plano controversy. "A couple of years ago one school went so far as to tell parents they could bring reindeer cookies to the party, but could not put a red nose on the reindeer. One part time teacher recently told first-graders there is no such thing as Santa. But this is not the whole Plano school system - principals and teachers and parent associations set their own policies for these parties." The Factor added that Plano seems an unlikely venue for these disputes. "That's not a liberal crazy area. We're not talking about Berkeley, California or even Austin. It's a fairly conservative area."

Agenda behind "Brokeback Mountain"?
Guests: Film critic Michael Medved & entertainment reporter Jeannie Wolf

"Brokeback Mountain," a film about gay cowboys, is receiving plenty of attention - the New York Times and Los Angeles Times have each run six articles about the movie. Columnist Michael Medved claimed the papers are trying to promote the movie's gay theme. "There's clearly an agenda going on here. It is part of the advocacy for mainstreaming homosexual behavior and promoting gay marriage, and it is also undermining the American cowboy ideal." Entertainment reporter Jeanne Wolfe denied that the publicity barrage has anything to do with the subject matter. "People just fell in love with this movie, including people who thought they'd never go to see it. It will get a lot of awards because it is a fine film." The Factor questioned whether any "straight" movie would ever receive this kind of attention. "I have nothing against the subject matter. The point is that these newspapers use entertainment to push political agendas. They do it all the time, it's indoctrination. I'll predict the movie will get a lot of awards, but will not do big box office outside of the big cities."

Funeral held for "Tookie" Williams
Guest: Al Sharpton

Former gang leader Stanley "Tookie" Wilson was executed last week for murders he committed in 1979. Reverend Al Sharpton, who addressed the crowd at Wilson's funeral, explained why some people view Wilson as someone to be admired. "For a guy to turn himself around and help young people see the bad side of gang life is a story worth telling. He did a lot against violence. A lot of young people need to know there is room for redemption in society." The Factor reminded viewers that "Tookie" Wilson brutally murdered four people. "I feel a little uneasy with all the adulation Williams is getting. He got more attention than Rosa Parks. Even if he was sincere in his redemption, to make a hero out of him is wrong."

Viewers sound off
Factor Words of the Day
Many of your emails dealt with President Bush's decision to authorize eavesdropping as a tool against terror. Some excerpts:

Sal Guadagna, Northport, NY: "My entire family is against President Bush eavesdropping on Americans. He has proved himself to be a dictator and a mass murderer."

Richard Conroy, Walker Lake, NV: "Protecting the American people from a terrorist attack overrides feelings about infringement of the Constitution."

John Vancott, Pittsburgh, PA: "Bill, it's no surprise that you're leaning toward supporting President Bush in this controversy. You're pretty much a big blow horn for him."

Chuck Cocuzza, Edison, NJ: "Hey, O'Reilly, I thought you were one of the good guys. You are giving a pass to the President's critics on this issue."