Many of you sent emails about the ongoing "Merry Christmas" controversy. Some excerpts:
Jonathan Milenko, New York, NY: "Bill, according to you, saying 'Happy Holidays' will lead society down the road towards drug addiction and prostitution."
Sherrie Rogers, Rochester, MN: "Bill, we working at the Sears here are now allowed to say 'Merry Christmas.' Just thought you'd like to know."
Robert Maio, Charleston, SC: "Bill, Christmas is back. Today I went by Sears and they had put up posters saying 'Merry Christmas.' So I went in and bought a wide screen TV."
Mandy Chivers, Australia: "Bill, we have the same problem down here. Stores that refuse to say 'Merry Christmas' offend me and many others. Don't they realize that?"
Chad Colomb, Sparks, NV: "We liberals surrender, Bill. Will you now stop talking about this ridiculous subject?"