The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
What the Heck Just Happened?
An Attack on the Factor
"David Corn, who works for the far left magazine Mother Jones, smeared me yesterday, saying I had fabricated some war reporting. Mother Jones, which has low circulation, is considered by many the bottom rung of journalism in America. However, in this Internet age, the defamation they put forth gets exposure, so I have to deal with this garbage. David Corn, a liar, says that I exaggerated situations in the Falklands War and Salvadoran War. Here's the truth: everything I've said about my reportorial career is true. 33 years ago in June, Argentina surrendered to Great Britain, ending the Falklands War. I was covering the conflict from Argentina and Uruguay for CBS News. After learning of the surrender, angry mobs in Buenos Aires stormed the presidential palace, trying to overthrow the government. I was there on the street with my camera crews. The violence was horrific, as Argentine soldiers fired into the crowd, which was responding with violent acts of its own. My video of the combat led the CBS Evening News, and later I filed a report that ran nationwide. I never said I was on the Falkland Islands, as Corn purports. I said I covered the Falklands War, which I did. In what I consider to be a miracle, I found this CBS internal memo from 33 years ago, praising my coverage that day. The cable was sent to the CBS bureau chief in Buenos Aires by the news desk here in New York City: 'O'Reilly didn't have the time last night but would like to say many thanks for the riot piece last night.' Want more? Here it is: Shortly after my crew and I escaped grave danger on the streets of Buenos Aires, I wrote to CBS News boss Ed Joyce, praising the crew's bravery: 'We were gassed, shot at, and I had the best vantage point in which to report the story.' So we have rock solid proof that David Corn smeared me, and some websites that picked up his defamation did as well. I had to spend hours on the phone with various reporters and crawling around my basement to find documents from 33 years ago. All because an irresponsible guttersnipe, a far left zealot who has attacked Fox News many times before, spit this stuff out on the net. And you know what? Nothing is going to happen to David Corn. Mother Jones and the far left websites couldn't care less about the truth. They are in business to injure and this is a political hit job. At this point, TV coverage has been scant, but CNN tried to exploit the situation because a guy over there named Brian Stelter is another far left zealot masquerading as a journalist. Real journalists knew this story was B.S. from the jump. They knew Corn was trying to take the Brian Williams situation and wrap it around my neck for ideological reasons. In addition, Corn actually wrote that I hammered Brian Williams when everyone knows I went out of my way on Kimmel and The Factor to be compassionate to the man! Corn must think the folks are as dumb as he is. The whole scandal reminds me of another guy who got completely away with it. That man is Al Franken, who accused me of faking my working class upbringing. He actually said in public many times I was not raised in Levittown. He ran around telling that to the media, who gleefully printed his words. The despicable Franken, perhaps the biggest liar I have ever known, wouldn't even retract it when I produced the deed to my parent's house, which says Levittown. But you, Al, a dishonest smear merchant, wouldn't retract your false story. And I'm sure Corn won't either. And what happened to Al Franken? He was elected a senator from Minnesota."
The Factor asked FNC's Bernie Goldberg and Geraldo Rivera to weigh in on David Corn's slander. "The question for me," Goldberg said, "is whether Mother Jones is using journalism as a weapon to go after an enemy. They could have run these allegations years ago, but they chose to run them after the Brian Williams episode. For a far left journalist, going after O'Reilly is like opening presents under the tree on Christmas morning." Rivera agreed that Corn's allegations were directly related to the NBC story. "The purge of Brian Williams led directly to this, it was an absolute counterpoint to the Williams scandal. He was destroyed and now they're coming after you to try exactly the same thing."
Confronting the Jihad
Earlier this week The Factor called on religious leaders of all faiths to do whatever they can to confront the jihad. Islamic imam Aslam Abdullah of Las Vegas entered the No Spin Zone to denounce the ISIS butchers. "The jihadists are evil and they should be treated as evil," he declared. "They are a disgrace to Islam and these are the people who we all should join to fight against. I have been saying this to my congregation for the last several years."
Military Assessment
According to a survey of military personnel, only 15% of active duty service members approve of President Obama's performance as commander-in-chief. Col. David Hunt and Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer reacted to the poll. "This has been a trend and the numbers have gotten worse every year," Shaffer said. "Abraham Lincoln fired people for not performing, but President Obama has fired people for telling the truth." Hunt theorized that American troops are simply war-weary. "We've been at war for 14 years and the quality of life and the quality of care are awful. That has a lot to do with morale. Soldiers don't usually care who the president is, they do their jobs."
Controversial Comment
Returning for another segment, Geraldo Rivera addressed a controversy he stirred up this week when he claimed that rap music has damaged black children far more than racism. "I don't take back any of what I said," Rivera declared. "There is a lot of good hip-hop and rap music, but a lot of it is self-segregating. I'm an old integrationist, I want kids in the South Bronx to have a shot to make it, but they will never make it if their pants are around their ass or if they're wearing hoodies that hide their faces. It is limiting and self-segregating." The Factor added, "In some areas, if you are a studious and well-spoken and respectful kid, you are ostracized."
Journey to Mars
A private Dutch company says it will send people to Mars in about ten years; it will be a one-way trip and they will die on the Red Planet. Guys Friday Greg Gutfeld and Bernard McGuirk opined on the Martian adventure. "I've been thinking about this," Gutfeld quipped, "and they should send me, Beyoncé, and Scarlett Johansson. We'll be in charge of creating the civilization, so there should be beautiful and hot people on Mars. We don't need ugly Martians, we need beautiful people like myself." McGuirk suggested that Charles Krauthammer should be on the first spaceship. "I want him to go because he's so intelligent and so witty and so charming that he makes me feel inferior. He makes me feel like I should be interviewed by Jesse Watters."
The Out-Take Edition
Speaking of Jesse Watters, The Factor introduced some clips that actually didn't make the cut in prior Watters' World segments, a very low standard indeed. The excerpts included Watters trying to eat runny eggs, attempting to determine the sexual preference of the Teletubbies, and interviewing some folks who managed to make his usual subjects seem downright erudite.
Viewers Sound Off
Lou Martin, Lafayette, LA: "Bill, do you really think ISIS and Hitler's regime are similar? How stupid. I'm completely done with you."
Dr. Elizabeth Somerset, Detroit, MI: "Bill, as the mother of a soldier deploying for Kuwait today, I thank you for the moral clarity you bring to the coverage of ISIS."
Bob Monica, Bradenton, FL: "You are right, Bill. Christian churches need to talk about terrorism and reassert their relevance in modern society."
In Praise of Religion
Spirituality is a beneficial thing for all of us if it's used for self-reflection and the advancement of others.