The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Friday, June 15, 2012
The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Impact Segment
Factor Follow Up Segment
Fridays with Geraldo Segment
Personal Story Segment
Dumbest Things of the Week Segment
Factor Mail
Pinheads and Patriots
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President Obama changing the rules on illegal immigration
"In a very political move, the President has announced new rules for a specific group of illegal aliens. If your parents brought you to America when you were under 16, if you have completed high school or served in the military, and if you are under the age of 30 now, then you are most likely going to stay in America. Mr. Obama has announced that deportations will stop and working papers could be issued to illegal aliens who fit that profile. The President calls it 'the right thing to do,' and it is the politically smart thing to do. Many Hispanic Americans will support the move and he needs those votes. Also, it puts Mitt Romney on the defensive - will he support the change or will he be perceived as an unyielding mean guy? As for the policy, how can you blame kids when they are dragged to the USA? It's not the child's fault that laws were broken. Thus the new policy is humane and the President believes it will make America stronger. Nevertheless, a reporter from a conservative website interrupted the President's remarks Friday. Neil Munro from the Daily Caller is the man the President scolded and he was absolutely wrong in interfering with the President's statement. As Talking Points always says, you must respect the office of the presidency, even if you don't like the person in it."

The Factor welcomed Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, who argued that President Obama has overstepped his power. "This is the President," Dobbs said, "who six months ago acknowledged that he didn't have the authority to do precisely what he did today. I think he's going to be successfully challenged on exceeding that authority. What makes this objectionable to me, among other things, is that he blames Republicans, saying he couldn't get it through the Congress. That completely distorts the reality and the record." Dobbs also defended the right-wing reporter who interrupted the President. "Was it the correct professional demeanor? No. But the fact is that this President constrains and controls the national liberal media, and it's refreshing to see a direct question asked on a specific topic."
Britain wants to monitor citizens texts and emails
The British government wants to monitor everything citizens do on their computers and smart phones - the stated goal is to nab pedophiles, terrorists and other miscreants. The Factor invited radio talk show hosts Janine Turner and Leslie Marshall to opine. "If they do it in this manner," Turner said, "it will be a sweeping violation of liberty. This is why we're lucky to have a written Constitution - they don't, which gives them the malleability to do something like this." Marshall concurred that British authorities are out of line. "I am a Democrat and I know you all think Democrats love big government, but I love my privacy just as much. This is an invasion of privacy." The Factor agreed in principle, but also pointed out that intense government monitoring would help stop pedophiles: "With a law like this they would know every single perverted person, which would stop the industry and save thousands of children."
Sandusky defense to begin next week
Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, accused of multiple child molestations, will put on his defense next week. The Factor examined the case with attorney Wendy Murphy and crime reporter Aphrodite Jones. "We've sat and listened to eight accusers in court," Jones reported, "boys who testified again and again what happened to them. Sandusky's lawyers tried to impeach these boys, but there was not an iota of a doubt. This man walked on water at Penn State and he used that to molest boys." Murphy declared that Jerry Sandusky will absolutely, positively be convicted. "He'll be convicted because of what he did. This is an extremely strong case and it is not defensible. It's a defense attorney's nightmare because you can not destroy the credibility of this much evidence. He's not going home, ever!"
Texas father who killed daughter's molester could be in legal trouble
When a father in Texas caught a child molester abusing his daughter, he proceeded to beat the pervert to death. The Factor asked Geraldo Rivera whether the father might be charged with a felony. "If the facts are as they have been reported," Rivera said, "I do not believe a Texas grand jury will indict him. Jurors are ordinary, reasonable, prudent people who identify with someone whose story they can identify with. 99% of all dads would have done the same thing, and there will be dads on that grand jury. We know this dad has never been in trouble and we also know that he has expressed remorse." The Factor agreed that most fathers would have done something similar: "I would have done this, you would have done this, because when you see something that horrific you kind of snap."
The Beach Boys are back!
50 years after their first big hit, the Beach Boys have another song near the top of the pop music charts. The Factor asked Beach Boys Brian Wilson and Mike Love why their sound has endured. "We try to do themes that relate to people," Love said. "When we started out it was surfing and girls and going to the dance and all these things that were going on in our lives and millions of other lives. We connected through the themes and those harmonies." Wilson, who is about to turn 70, spoke about his own favorite tune. "I'm very proud of Surfer Girl - it's pretty and it has a lot of good harmonies. When I was younger I would go to the piano and say, 'Oh my God, I'm on to something good here!' The melody just popped into my mind." The Factor praised Wilson and Love as genuine American icons: "You guys have really connected to the American people and when your songs come on they remember the good times in their lives. Every summer I have the Beach Boys on my radio."
Dumbest Things of the Week featuring Madonna and Steve Doocy
Greg Gutfeld and Arthel Neville ended the week with its dumbest people and happenings. Neville picked the mom who videotaped her young son when he was under anesthesia and acting drunk. "If she wants to do this and put it on her own Facebook for friends and family," Neville said, "okay, that's the age we live in. But it gets out of control when you post it on YouTube. What's the point, and why do people watch this stuff?" Gutfeld went with Madonna, who has been exposing various body parts during her concert tour. "She bared her bottom in Rome and her breasts in Istanbul. But she's getting older, she's gone from pro-gay to BenGay. She's our generation's Betty White." The Factor singled out FNC's Steve Doocy, who tried his hand - and feet - at ballet during Fox & Friends.
Viewers sound off
Factor Words of the Day
Mary Gostline, Ontario, Canada: "Bill, since the national security leaks are tantamount to treason, why doesn't the CIA step in and demand disclosure from the New York Times about the leaker?"

Elaine Bowman, Piedmont, AL: "Can someone explain to me the difference between Private Bradley Manning, who is being prosecuted for leaking things to WikiLeaks, and the informant inside the Obama administration?"

Bill Goldsmith, Warrensburg, MO: "Bill, you can get it done! The American people deserve to know the truth about the leaks."
Turkey ... and turkey
Friday's Pinhead: The man who called 9-1-1 to complain about the way his turkey sandwich was prepared at a restaurant.