The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Obama appeals to religious groups on health care
"The battle continues, as you know, between the Obama administration and those Americans who oppose big government health care. This week, the president made an appeal to religious people, saying it is and moral obligation to provide health care to those who don't have it and criticizing those who oppose his plan. Talking Points somewhat agrees with the president. Americans should look out for each other, but there are smart ways to do that and not so smart ways. President Obama's health care vision is confusing. It may also bankrupt the nation. And that does not sound smart to me. The American people do not want to invest trillions of dollars in a big government program that is confusing. That would be insane. If President Obama could articulate exactly how the trillion dollar investment would help all of us, I believe he might succeed in his quest to make health care more accessible to all. Americans are a generous people. We give more money to the poor than any other country on earth. But if you harm the fundamental economy of the nation, you're hurting far more people than you're helping. And that is what the president does not seem to understand."
The Factor asked Fox News business guru Neil Cavuto for his reaction. Cavuto argued that the president had other moral obligations aside from providing health care: "He has the moral obligation to protect our financial dignity. He has a moral obligation to protect our currency and our system. He has a moral obligation to protect our financial way of life." The Factor wanted to know how bad the damage would be: "If this passes, and it might in the fall, are we on the road to economic ruin in the United States because of this?" Cavuto thought that it was a contributor: "It is among so many other things that are going to kill us. You can't rob Peter to pay Paul. You can't create money out of thin air."

The truth about the Canadian health care system
Dr. Brian Day, an orthopedic surgeon and former president of the Canadian Medical Association, joined The Factor to talk about the woes of the Canadian health care system. Dr. Day said that one of the biggest problems was rationing: "We have over a million people waiting for surgery and probably another million waiting to see the specialists before they get to wait for the surgery. And that's out of a population of 34 million people." The Factor saw a big contrast between the US and Canadian systems: "If I need to see a doctor, I can see a doctor within an hour because I buy my own health insurance. And I go in and I make an appointment. And a doctor sees me. And that's that."
Setting Jon Stewart straight on Fox News
Recently, Daily Show host Jon Stewart has really gone over the top with his attacks on Fox News. The Factor thought that everyone should know the truth about the comedian: "Jon, you're a satirist. You have the license to distort.But everybody should know what you're doing and why. 45 percent of The Daily Show audience is liberal, according to a Pew research study, the biggest liberal percentage on TV in that study. So in order to retain his viewers, Stewart has to play to them like he does here." The Factor said he liked Stewart, but was worried about his influence on the youth: "Some young people actually believe he's presenting an accurate picture of the country on his program. And that is frightening."
Trouble keeps on coming for John Edwards
A North Carolina TV station is reporting that John Edwards will admit that he is the father of his former mistress' baby. The Factor asked Fox News host Geraldo Rivera what he thought about the former presidential candidate. Geraldo did not hold back: "This man is a despicable lowlife who is in the hall of fame when it comes to hypocrisy." The Factor did not disagree: "There's something really wrong with Edwards, no doubt." There's also a report that Edwards made a sex tape with his mistress. Geraldo hypothesized about a frightening scenario that could have played out if Edwards' campaign had been successful: "Can you imagine the president of the United States in the White House at a crucial time and then the Russians or someone gets a hold of his sex tape?"
ACLU sues Sheriff Joe Arpaio
South African runner Caster Semenya is putting in some amazing performances at the Track and Field World Championships. However, some have questioned her gender. The Factor was shocked: "You're telling me that this woman who won the race -- they still don't know whether she's a man or a woman?" Attorney and FOX News anchor Megyn Kelly described a surprisingly complex testing process: "They have to have weeks of testing to figure it out. They have brought in endocrinologists, a gynecologist, an internist, a psychologist, and a gender expert, all of whom are going to spend the next several weeks figuring out if she's a man or a woman." The Factor deduced that there must be some complicating issues: "You've got to assume that something is going on if the visual investigation did not come to a conclusion."
Reality Check: ACORN big shot pleads guilty
The Factor reacted to Ted Kennedy urging Massachusetts lawmakers to change a law that required a wait of five months and a special election to fill a Senate vacancy. The Factor pointed out that this was a bit of an about-face for the ailing Senator: "It was Kennedy who championed the five-month election option back in 2004, because he feared that Republican Governor Mitt Romney would appoint a Republican to take John Kerry's place if he won the presidential election. This is called politics. Kennedy wants what he wants when he wants it." The Factor ended the segment with the latest Nielsen ratings: "The Fox News channel was the second highest rated cable network in prime time in the country last week, right behind USA Network. MSNBC was 24, CNN 26. Oh, man."
Liskula Cohen & Arnold Schwarzenegger
Thursday's Patriot: Model Liskula Cohen, who was smeared on the Internet, and sued Google to find the identity of the person who smeared her. She won her case, and is dealing with her attacker privately. And the Pinhead: California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who starred in a series of wacky Japanese commercials in the 80s and 90s. "No wonder California is bankrupt," The Factor quipped.
Viewers sound off
Cindy Hodge, Gotha, Florida: "Bill, thank you for showing the texting accident video. I brought my teenagers into the room to watch it. That gruesome illustration hit home."
Stan Kabala, Naples, Florida: "Bill, thanks for the principled but firm stance on health care and your refusal to conflate charity with coerced underwriting."
Lorraine Seelinger, Matthews, North Carolina: "Bill, I have been asked what two people I'd most like to have dinner with. I've decided it would be you and Dennis Miller."
Erin Worth, Albuquerque, New Mexico: "Bill, I will be hiking in the Grand Canyon this September. And one item in my backpack will be 'Bold Fresh'."
Margie Mason, Corvalis, Montana: "Bill, 'Bold Fresh' is like a Montana mountain morning when the sun is shining."