Guests: George LeClere, International Academy of Television & Rich Frank, Turner insider
"CNN founder Ted Turner is aghast by the ascendance of Fox News, which is destroying CNN in the ratings. To be fair, CNN is still a strong source for hard news and has some great reporters. But it is failing because its politically correct liberalism is obsolete. That is just killing Mr. Turner, who compared Fox News' popularity to that of Adolf Hitler in the early 1930's. What we have here is bitterness over losing. CNN and other cable news operations are losing millions of dollars because Fox has gained so many viewers. And the left wing press in general is furious that a more traditional news outlet has challenged their monopoly. Ted Turner can make his Third Reich comparisons all day long ? they just diminish him and remind everybody why they watch Fox News instead of CNN."
Two television insiders provided a different view of Turner's comments. George LeClere of the International Academy of Television was in the room when Turner made his controversial remarks, which were applauded by some foreign journalists. "Around the world," LeClere told The Factor," some people thing that Fox News is the channel of President Bush, and that's why they applauded." Rich Frank, a friend of Turner, defended the CNN founder. "Ted has long used hyperbole to get attention," Frank said. "It doesn't take away from his underlying point that news today has to reassess what it is. He was a real visionary in getting CNN started, but sometimes he just uses words that incite people." The Factor reiterated that Turner is harming himself and the network he founded. "If Ted Turner continues to do this, he's going to hurt his CNN brand. He should be respected as a pioneer in this industry, but he's not helping his cause."