Bill O'Reilly
The O'Reilly Factor
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Is Barack Obama anti-capitalism?
Guests: Laura Ingraham

"The President's comments about success in America are important because they show how he really feels about capitalism. The President is a 'reluctant capitalist,' a man who believes our economic system is stacked against the poor and working class and always has been. He believes American capitalism is often predatory, rewarding the wealthy and exploiting the workers. So he wants to restrain capitalism through taxation. If you score big, he wants a big piece of the action so he can give what you get to other people. I see no evidence that he wants to seize private property, which is what communists do; also, the feds are not running the Fox News Channel, as they would be in a socialistic system. I may be wrong, but I think Mr. Obama allows historical grievances to shape his economic thinking. Rather than seeing the USA as basically noble, he gives the bad things about America too much weight, leading to his desire to redistribute wealth and correct those grievances. The President's big spending policies have not helped the economy and have run up enormous debt, which threatens each and every one of us. In order to defeat the President, Mitt Romney will have to convince you that we will all be better under robust capitalism, that the private marketplace will rebound and create decent-paying jobs. The President will counter with the status quo, which of course is shaky. Summing up, Mr. Obama is not a socialist, he's not a communist, he's a social justice anti-capitalist."

Conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham entered the No Spin Zone with her analysis of President Obama's economic philosophy. "I don't think these labels get us anywhere," Ingraham said. "I call him what he is, which is an economic disaster for America. Whether you call him a socialist or anti-capitalist, he hasn't had much experience working in the free market. His experience is very limited and to come in and oversee the biggest economy in the world was quite a leap, and I think we're seeing the results of that. The dependency culture is what is being empowered right now." The Factor contended that President Obama will be unleashed and unfettered if he wins in November: "If Barack Obama is reelected, the American public is basically saying to him, 'Do what you want.'"
Report: Tension between Romney and Palin
Guests: Michelle Fields and Janine Turner

The Factor asked reporter Michelle Fields and radio talk show host Janine Turner to comment on reports of friction between Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin. "I believe that Palin needs to get behind Romney," Turner stated, "and Romney needs to recognize Palin's virtues and how she can be an asset. I would like him to invite her to the Republican convention." Fields contended that tension between the two governors should come as no surprise. "She is kind of a wild card and there is the possibility that she will 'go rogue.' And she's very charismatic, while Romney isn't, so there's the possibility that she'll outshine him. Romney's campaign is focused on independents and Sarah Palin is a bit polarizing, so they don't want to be associated with her."
Prosecution says it will use George Zimmerman interview with Sean Hannity in court
Guests: Megyn Kelly

During an extensive interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, George Zimmerman expressed no regret about having a gun that night and portrayed the event as "God's plan." Attorney and FNC anchor Megyn Kelly questioned the wisdom of Zimmerman speaking on national TV. "The real question here is why his lawyer Mark O'Meara agreed to this," she said. "A lot of defendants want to speak, but it's up to their lawyers to say, 'It's not a good idea, George.' It's human nature that the more times you comment on something, the more inconsistencies there will be, and Zimmerman offered a couple of statements that are inconsistent with his prior statements. This was not good and it's not Zimmerman's fault, it's Mr. O'Meara's fault." Kelly turned to the sordid case of sexual predator Andrew Goodman, who was sentenced to just two years for repeatedly raping two young boys. "This is a disgusting man," Kelly said. "In open court he admitted to grooming these two young men, trying to seduce them with gifts." The Factor denounced Judge Martin Murphy, who handed down the two-year sentence: "We have tried to get a comment from Murphy, but he's hiding under his desk. He's not accountable for anything he does!"
Virginia school giving condoms to students as young as 12
Guests: Jeanine Pirro and Gretchen Carlson

The Factor invited Culture Warriors Gretchen Carlson and Jeanine Pirro to opine on the high school in Alexandria, Virginia that was allowing students to grab condoms out of a large jar. "Here's the amazing thing," Carlson declared. "You need parental consent to get an immunization, a physical, or to participate in sports, but not to get your hands on condoms." But Pirro reluctantly endorsed the idea of providing condoms to high school students. "I come at this as a judge and a district attorney and we have all seen the consequences of children having children - abused and neglected children and abortion and sexually transmitted diseases. So the bottom line for me is, I hate it, I don't like to normalize teen sexual behavior, but let's deal with the fact that 47% of children in high school have already had sex."
Who should be Mitt Romney's running mate?
Guests: Dennis Miller

Dennis Miller began by urging Condoleezza Rice to decline any prospective invitation to be Mitt Romney's running mate. "She's as bright as anybody on the planet," Miller said, "and she's so sweet, so I wouldn't wish that swamp on her in a million years. Condi, you don't have to answer the call, you did your part." With Rice off his shopping list, Miller put his weight behind the Governor of New Jersey. "I think big Chris Christie ought to step up. He's got sharp elbows, and Romney and Christie would be like Kevin Costner and Sean Connery in The Untouchables. Romney could play the good guy, Christie could be the tough guy." Miller also blasted the California ban on foie gras, the delicacy made from the livers of fattened ducks. "I know when my head hits the pillow at night, I shouldn't be able to sleep because Daffy and Donald Duck are getting fed grain out the wazoo, but they're geese! And it tastes good!"
News Quiz: Good vs. Evil Edition
Guests: Uma Pemmaraju and Steve Doocy

Fox News anchor Uma Pemmaraju, who gave Steve Doocy a sound thrashing in their only previous showdown, returned for another round of the News Quiz. Among the questions: "What is an indicator of demonic possession?" ... "In what year was the Berlin Wall finally torn down?" Proving that her first win was no fluke, Pemmaraju again defeated Doocy by a point.
Viewers sound off
Arthur DeLeonardis, Steubenville, OH: "If you really want to know who will win in November check out the Las Vegas odds. They are 2 to 1 for Obama."

Tony Stells, New York, NY: "Bill, have you lost your crackers? Sending G.W. Bush to Romney fundraisers? That would allow Obama to link Romney with Bush."

Arthur Thoms, Kennebunk, ME: "O'Reilly, you are right. Bush 43 owes the nation any help he can give the Republicans."
Websites to avoid
Thursday's Tip: Try to avoid websites that print vicious personal attacks; in other words, 'steer clear of the smear.'