The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Friday, September 26, 2014
The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo
Impact Segment
Fridays with Geraldo Segment
Mad as Hell
Unresolved Problems Segment
What the Heck Just Happened?
Factor Mail
Tip Of The Day
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Can American Women Save the Democratic Party?
"The majority of Americans are not happy with President Obama's job performance, and that is having a deleterious effect on the Democratic Party. In fact, the only thing, the only thing that can save the Democratic Party is women voters. Enter the first lady, Michelle Obama. In a speech at the United Nations this week, she asked, 'do we truly value women as equals, or do we see them as merely second class citizens?' Those words imply that America is not fair to women, and that is a highly charged statement. On average, women make 81% of what men make in the private marketplace. However, American women are better educated than men, and what the stats cannot define is the emotional differences between men and women. There are approximately 5-million stay-at-home moms and millions of other American women work part-time, devoting most of their efforts to looking out for their kids. That's a huge factor in the economic comparisons, but it is often underplayed. So the first lady should understand the invalid comparisons that are being made in the gender discussion. It is true that only 15% of women hold top executive positions in the Fortune 500 companies, and that an old boy network makes it tougher for the ladies to gain power. That does not seem to be fair, but life is not fair. No government will be able to impose so-called fairness. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party will try to convince voters that the fix is in against American women, that theme will be front and center in the upcoming presidential campaign. But I do not believe there is a war on women, I do not believe our capitalistic system is holding the ladies back. I believe some stupid men are, but that's something individual companies will have to deal with. Finally, we have all seen what's happened in the past six years that President Obama has tried and tried to impose social justice. The progressive vision of enforced equality leads to gross injustices and economic stagnation. Many companies now fear women: they are afraid of lawsuits, controversy, and negative branding. And believe me, that's a big reason some women are held back."

The Factor invited reaction from Democratic strategists Mary Anne Marsh and Marjorie Clifton. "You made a lot of important points," Clifton said, "but what's missing is whether the choices are actually real. The data does not reflect what happens once women get into the workforce and once they get the education. There are still gaps in pay and a lot of that has to do with bias in the workplace." Marsh insisted that gender bias is obvious in America. "Women are the majority, yet they are woefully underrepresented in the places that matter - government and business. We have not elected a woman present, that's shameful! Women have a tougher time raising the money and they don't make enough to subsidize their own campaigns." The Factor reiterated that Democrats are playing politics with the issue, saying, "I do believe that the Democratic Party has only one shot, and that is to convince women to vote for them."
Lou Dobbs Reacts to Talking Points
Fox Business host Lou Dobbs entered the No Spin Zone with a far different perspective. "The idea that women are somehow the target of oppression in this country is utter madness," he declared. "Women getting education and advanced degrees vastly outnumber men. Can more be done? Yes, but the same can be said for men. Women are far more involved in rearing children than men, and that is an impediment to their careers and earning power. Women are a majority in our workforce and a majority in our population, yet they have protected rights."
Confusion Over Fighting ISIS
Will the Obama administration's air campaign be enough to combat the terrorists of ISIS. The Factor posed that question to Geraldo Rivera. "The impact of air attacks," Rivera said, "is being minimized by people who want the United States to get re-involved on the ground in Iraq and Syria. I think the potent killing power of American and allied air forces will pummel ISIS. But you also need an army you can rely on, and a general I spoke with says the Iraqi army is still two or three years away from getting back to the competence level they had when the United States left." Rivera endorsed The Factor's call for a well-trained mercenary army to fight terror. "I agree that the notion of a mercenary force is not unrealistic. There are plenty of private contractors in the United States and Europe with magnificent military experience, and I believe you could field something like the French Foreign Legion that could have an impact."
Global Warming Protestors, Boots on the Ground...
FNC anchor Heather Nauert answered letters from some ticked-off viewers, among the Sue Morgan of Michigan, who got peeved when "global warming" marchers left tons of garbage in their wake last weekend. "What a mess they left," Nauert grumbled, "and that has a lot of people upset. It's the hypocrisy, saying they want to recycle and get rid of pollution. They left behind seven-and-a-half tons of garbage for New York's sanitation to clean up." Another viewer, Arizonan Jerry Clark, is tired of hearing the phrase 'boots on the ground.' The Factor reassured Clark that he is not alone: "We are with you, Jerry, and anyone who says 'boots on the ground' here has to pay $100 to Wounded Warriors. It's a cliché that is banned here."
Jailed Marine in Mexio
Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi has languished in a Mexican jail for more than six months, ever since he claimed to have made a wrong turn and entered Mexico with three guns. The Factor spoke about the dire situation with his mother, Jill Tahmooressi. "He is very despondent," she revealed. "He's in solitary confinement, and he is losing hope that he's going to get out of jail. He's not allowed a radio or television, he's allowed the Bible and one book, and he has no way to exercise." The Factor described it as a "bleak and ghastly situation," adding, "We implore President Obama to get directly involved with Mexico President Nieto."
Derek Jeter's Final Game
The Factor asked Greg Gutfeld and Bernard McGuirk to opine on New York Yankees star Derek Jeter, who smacked the game-winning hit in his final appearance at Yankee Stadium. "Obviously those were all actors," Gutfeld joked, "and this was done on a sound stage. Actually, he's an amazing athlete who kept his lifestyle private and stayed with one team for twenty years. Also, he's a conservative because he always hits to right field." McGuirk complained that the hype surrounding Jeter is vastly overblown. "You guys have to take it down a notch because he didn't play well this year, he was almost hurting the team. And this game was meaningless."
Viewers Sound Off
Factor Words of the Day
Garrett Preisch, North East, MD: "Hey, O'Reilly, where were you when Obama was rejecting America's world leadership? Oh yeah, you were lobbing softballs in your Super Bowl interview."

Steven Gargaro, San Diego, CA: "Bill, your Hitler analogy to Ed Henry was spot on. Killing Patton seems perfectly timed and relevant in our world. As the saying goes: 'Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.'"
Check Out Bill's Plan for Eradicating Terrorism
Bill's anti-terror plan, including the call for a highly-trained mercenary force, is posted here on It's well worth a look.