The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo
Impact Segment
Unresolved Problems Segment
Mad as Hell
Kelly File
Ingraham Angle
Tip Of The Day
Factor Mail
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Confusion Over Protecting America
Guests:Rep Sean Duffy & Rep Marsha Blackburn
"Former President Jimmy Carter, an avowed liberal man and not considered a warrior by anyone, now says 'we need to attack ISIS.' That's about as hawkish as I've ever heard Mr. Carter, who generally does not like confrontation. And then there's Secretary of State Kerry. Confronted by Code Pink anti-war demonstrators, Kerry called out the peace group, saying this about ISIS: 'They are killing and raping and mutilating women ... they sell off girls to be sex slaves to jihadists.' I've always wondered about the anti-war people, who will allow the worst atrocities to take place but still cloak themselves in moral garments. Last night on The Factor both Alan Colmes and Dennis Kucinich said they would have allowed ISIS to kill the innocent people stranded in northern Iraq, and thousands of Kurds as well. Colmes and Kucinich reject any U.S. military action against ISIS, which seems strange to me. They are good guys, but how can you let innocent people die when you can save them, especially when the group committing the murder is committed to killing you? As an historian, I know that failing to stop evil leads to more evil. Hitler could have been taken out earlier, but the 'peace for our time' crowd, led by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, failed to confront the Fuhrer. But let's get back to Jimmy Carter. Whenever you have a guy like that convinced the country is being threatened, you've got to take it seriously. Even he wants to destroy ISIS, and you know what? He's right."

Continuing on the ISIS story, The Factor reported that Congress has overwhelmingly approved funding to train and arm anti-ISIS Syria rebels. Republican Representatives Marsha Blackburn and Sean Duffy, who voted for and against the bill, respectively, entered the No Spin Zone. "I don't trust the president to vet the Syrian rebels," said Duffy, explaining his 'no' vote. "His foreign policy has been a disaster in Egypt and Libya and Iran, and I don't trust him in Syria. Also, this president's heart isn't in the fight, he's done everything to tell America what he won't do to win." Blackburn, who endorsed the funding, called it a vote of confidence in the U.S. military. "In talking with some of the commanders, I found that it is important to them to have the beginnings of a strategy. This is just the first step, the president needs to define this mission and so far he has not been able to do it. We need to annihilate ISIS!"
How Tough Has Obama Been on ISIS?
Guests:Ed Henry
New polling shows that most Americans do not think President Obama is "tough enough" to protect them. The Factor asked FNC White House correspondent Ed Henry to react. "I think he doesn't care about the polls," Henry said. "I was talking with White House aides who say people are mad at the foreign crises, but not mad at the president. A couple of weeks ago the president was at a fundraiser denying that there are even that many crises. People are really angry about the crises and they don't like the president anymore." The Factor portrayed President Obama as a most reluctant warrior. "It's not in his DNA to be a wartime commander-in-chief, he's doing just enough to keep the wolves away from the White House door."
Americans' Trust in the Mass Media
Guests:Jeff McCall & Paul Farhi
A new Gallup Poll finds that 60% of Americans generally lack trust in the media. Professor Jeff McCall and reporter Paul Farhi analyzed the widespread skepticism. "We in the media make mistakes," Farhi said, "and when we make mistakes people remember. When CNN reports that a suspect has been arrested in the Boston bombing case, people remember we were wrong, and when Fox News gets the Supreme Court decision on health care wrong, everyone remembers. They tar all of us with the same brush." But McCall contended that many Americans are turned off by the media's left-leaning bias. "The public perceives the media as biased, and it's hard to put a lot of trust in the media if you perceive them as biased. A lot of citizens feel that commentary and analysis are filtering into the straight news programming. Even 15% of liberals feel the media is too liberal." The Factor had another pithy answer: "The media has gotten a lot nastier, they're mean guys now. We attack people with whom we disagree."
What Makes YOU Mad?!
Guests:Heather Nauert
Fox News anchor Heather Nauert entered the No Spin Zone to help field mail from some mighty angry viewers. One of them, Richard Hansen of California is peeved because the media ignores violence perpetrated by women against men. "The numbers are actually pretty even," she reported, "so he's on to something here. But when you talk about extreme violence, women are the victims a lot more often than men." Another viewer, New Yorker Tom Gullotti, is miffed because he had to show an ID when purchasing spray paint and Sudafed. "They don't want you to spray paint things," Nauert explained, "and Sudafed can be used to make crystal meth and other drugs. It's a federal law that you have to be over 18 to buy it."
CA Controversy over the American Flag
Guests:Megyn Kelly
Four years ago a California high school told students they could not wear shirts emblazoned with the American flag on the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo. A federal court has upheld the school's ruling, setting off a firestorm of indignation. Fox News anchor and attorney Megyn Kelly elaborated on the ruling. "You said that the school should be allowed to send the kids home," Kelly told The Factor, "because it could be disruptive. That is the legal standard - if educators perceive it as potentially disruptive they can do that. But my position is that the school was wrong because they only sent the American flag wearers home, they didn't send home those wearing the Mexican flag. The school only shut down one side and that's crazy!"
Gender Disparity in Confronting Terror
Guests:Laura Ingraham
When it comes to attacking ISIS and terrorism, men tend to be far more aggressive than women. Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham dissected the gender gap. "Gallup has been polling the differences between men's and women's views on military action since 1965," she reported, "and the gender gap has been consistent and continues to this day. Women tend to be naturally a little more like mediators, and there's some pragmatism as well. People say they don't trust Obama, Kerry, or Hagel, but we should go in and follow the 'non-plan plan.' To me that makes no sense." Ingraham theorized that men are inherently more capable of committing cruel and violent acts. "Some women are jihadists holding up heads, and women are capable of evil, but most of the terrorist actions across the globe are committed by young males."
Avoiding "The Orient"
Vice President Joe Biden offended some Asians this week when he referred to the Far East as "The Orient." You may not have been aware of the word's negative connotation, but it's best to avoid a term if an entire group of people finds it offensive.
Viewers sound off
Factor Words of the Day
Rod McConnell, Palm Springs, CA: "Bill, please tell Dennis Kucinich and Alan Colmes that success on the battlefield is a much bigger recruiting tool for ISIS than American bombing."

Bernard Helinski, Baltimore, MD: "Mr. Bill, is it possible you will ever allow Kucinich to complete his analysis without interruption?"

John Lowell, Cary, NC: "O'Reilly, keep quiet on your good deeds. Matthew says beware of practicing righteousness."