The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Unresolved Problems Segment
More victories for Christmas
Guest: Fox News analyst Jim Pinkerton
"While the secular media continues to spout that there is no Christmas controversy, in the real world we have proved there is. More evidence: Apparently Sears and Target, two operations that were not saying 'Merry Christmas,' have turned around and are now Christmas kind of people. This is about respect. Banishing the words 'Merry Christmas' is simply disrespectful to people who celebrate that federal holiday. In Wisconsin, an elementary school changed the name of 'Silent Night' to 'Cold In The Night.' In Plano, Texas, a school told students they couldn't wear red and green because they are Christmas colors. That's flat-out fascism. If I were a student in Plano, I'd be a walking Christmas tree after that order. Talking Points understands that you know what is going on here. The good news is that we're actually winning, and nearly every time we embarrass the secular forces they cave. Only a few stores are now banning 'Merry Christmas' - they are listed on We are defending Christmas, we are exposing the people who are disrespecting the federal holiday and the media that covers it up. And we'll continue to do that."
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Fox News analyst Jim Pinkerton joined The Factor with his view on the Christmas controversy. According to Pinkerton, a newspaper columnist himself, many journalists refuse to acknowledge that Christmas is under siege. "They hate to admit that for the last 30 or 40 years they have been waging a war against Christmas and Christian tradition. If you see all the evidence put together by John Gibson in his book and what you've had on your show, it's overwhelming. And to deny what is right in front of your face requires a real act of will." The Factor accused the mainstream media of outright deceit. "Intelligent people who run these newspapers know what's going on. Children are being forced to sing counter-lyrics to a classic. And the secular liberal press is not only justifying it, but trying to demonize those who want it to stop."
Negative spin on the terror war?
Guest: Journalism professor Rich Hanley
Air marshals at the Miami International Airport shot and killed passenger Rigoberto Alpizar, who reportedly claimed to have a bomb in his backpack. But some news outlets are questioning whether the shooting was justified. Journalism professor Rich Hanley defended the media's skepticism. "I think they're asking appropriate questions - are the marshals trained for this sort of contingency, are they prepared to make instant decisions?" Hanley also commented on a new report that the three network newscasts have aired 17 positive stories about the US military in Iraq this year, compared with 79 stories that were negative. "I'm not prepared to say these are anti-military stories. What you have here is the Katrina effect. The media saw how they could attack the administration, and they're applying this to Iraq." The Factor reiterated that America's mainstream media seem to emphasize the negative. "The overwhelming reportage from the battlefield is negative, and I believe it's driven by hatred for the president."
Inside the mind of a terrorist
Guests: Walid Shoebat & Zak Anani
Three former terrorists were scheduled to speak at Princeton University this week, but the event was canceled because it was deemed "too inflammatory." Two of the men joined The Factor with their personal stories of terror. Palestinian Walid Shoebat delineated his violent history. "I started throwing Molotov cocktails, throwing stones at rabbis, then got involved in terror cells in the United States. We wanted a jihad on America." Shoebat claims to have turned his life around, and now warns that Islamic terror is driven by pure, irrational hatred of Israel and Jews. "Somebody has to tell America what real terrorism is about. It has nothing to do with land, it has nothing to do with occupation of Palestine and Iraq. Jihad is a long tradition that has been going on in the middle east." The Factor suggested that some US journalists present inaccurate depictions of Islamic terror. "It's my thesis that the American people don't understand the danger because the American media underplays it all the time. To defeat it we will have to be very tough and very courageous."
Children and domestic violence
Guest: Joe Torre
Millions of American children witness or experience domestic violence, and New York Yankees manager Joe Torre has formed the "Safe at Home" foundation to help these youngsters. "It's something that's been underground for so long," Torre told The Factor. "Even if children aren't physically abused, they are witnessing it in another room and there are scars inside that last a long time. We instruct teachers and police officers on how to handle children coming up to them, and how to tell children to get some help." The Factor urged teachers to become involved. "I hope all educators watching get in touch with Mr. Torre's organization, because if every school was in on this it would help everyone."
Oral sex controversy
Guest: Geraldo Rivera
Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera reported on a controversy in Columbus, Indiana, where a high school magazine ran an article discussing the medical and psychological risks of oral sex. Although some parents and teachers were incensed by the article, Rivera praised it as a valuable warning. "This is a high-performing school with a very active newspaper, and they did this four page takeout on oral sex. Most kids don't think oral sex is sex. What this article does is say 'wait a second, there's danger here, there are venereal diseases that can happen to you as a result of this seemingly benign activity.' It makes me absolutely crazy to think of what kids are doing now, and there are serious consequences."
Howard Stern, part 3
Guest: Howard Stern
In the third and final part of a free-flowing discussion with The Factor, self-proclaimed "King of All Media" Howard Stern opened up about his personal life. "I'm one of these guys who works so hard that I don?t have the lifestyle you may imagine and I don't have any friends. I hang out with my girlfriend and I don't have time to form relationships. I think it's a real personality flaw - I don't think it's healthy to isolate yourself like that. I go to therapy four times a week, and it's made me a better father." Stern also praised his own parents for being unusually open. "They were never uptight about sex. My mother got me a subscription to Playboy when I was 13. She said if you want to look at a naked body, I could care less."
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Viewers sound off
Most of your emails dealt with earlier portions of the Howard Stern interview. Some excerpts:
Captain Thomas Taylor, Woodbridge, VA: "Howard Stern says he knew what he wanted to be at age 5. Too bad somebody didn't wash his mouth out with soap back then."
Nancy Breshears, Carrolton, TX: "Bill, the Stern interview is like watching 'Beauty and the Beast.' You're the beauty."
Arnold Acker, Lake Kiowa, TX: "O'Reilly, it would be a joy to see you ask your audience to pray for Howard Stern."
John Nickel, Coral Gables, FL: "Bill, I can't believe Stern didn't take the 'No Spin' Varsity jacket. Maybe if you replace the American flag with a commode, he'd change his mind."