The Factor Rundown
Is the ACLU endangering you?
"If you don't know by now that the ACLU is an anti-American organization you'll never know. Nevertheless, I'll list its agenda again. The ACLU opposes virtually every aspect of the Patriot Act. The ACLU wants more photos from Abu Ghraib released. The organization is suing the CIA, opposing the Defense Department over detainees at Guantanamo, and objects to coerced interrogation of high-ranking terrorists. The ACLU has filed lawsuits against the Boy Scouts, a variety of Christmas displays, and attempts to stop children from accessing porn at public libraries. The ACLU opposes parental notification in abortion cases involving their underage daughters, opposes restrictions on late term abortions, and opposes doctors informing police about possible statutory rape in abortion cases. The ACLU opposes the Minutemen on the border, exposition of the Ten Commandments in courtrooms, and is against 'no fly lists' to discourage terrorists from boarding airlines. In my opinion the ACLU puts us all in danger, wants to tear down traditional America and replace it with a so-called 'progressive society,' and worst of all, is aiding worldwide terrorism by opposing virtually all U-S attempts to combat it.
I say the ACLU leadership are traitors, but that is solely my opinion. Legally, the ACLU has a right to exist, but you have the right to object to it. Peter Lewis and George Soros are the main money men, but the Ford Foundation gives them millions and some celebrities help them out. Take note of these people, they are definitely not looking out for you."
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ABC, Europe and the CIA
Guests: ABC News correspondent Brian Ross & Fox News analyst Newt Gingrich
ABC News reported that Poland and Romania helped the CIA by holding captured terrorists on their soil. The Factor believes that puts those countries in jeopardy and the information helps al-Qaeda because other countries in the future will be reluctant to help the CIA. ABC News investigative correspondent Brian Ross disagreed. "I think you're dead wrong about this. I think it's important for American citizens and for the rest of the world to know what's happening in these cases. We reported the fact that Poland and
Romania had these prison facilities established two or three years ago to hold 12 top really bad terrorists." The Factor said this hurts the war on terror. "Now in the future, if I were a country, if I were running a country and the CIA came to me and said will you warehouse these guys for a year or so? I'd say no, Brian Ross is going to tell everybody and I don't want to put my people in danger. So this could actually hurt the USA in the war on terror because the country is going to say we're not going to help the CIA, Brian Ross is going to tell everybody."
Is ABC News helping in the war on terror by reporting information about the CIA?
Fox News Analyst Newt Gingrich provided a contrary view to Ross. "I think he has exactly the right opinion for a journalist raised in the modern post Vietnam American tradition. But I think he missed a couple of key points. Fred Friendly, who was Edward R. Murrow's producer, had a rule that just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean it's the right thing to say. And I think that it clearly makes it clear harder for America when American news sources break stories about our allies and give our allied governments more difficulty." The Factor left it to the viewer to decide who was right. "You know, certainly ABC News is a responsible organization. They made a decision. And the folks can decide for themselves who they agree with."

Bush approval ratings up
Guest: Fox News political analyst Dick Morris
A new New York Times/CBS News poll has President Bush's approval rating at 40 percent, up 5 points from last month. Despite that increase, political analyst Dick Morris said the Times rigged their poll to get desired answers. "I'll explain to you how The New York Times rigged the poll they just put out. Let me give you an example. They asked people, do you think that members of the Bush administration mislead the American people when we went to war or not? And they showed that 52 percent said that they did mislead the American people. And they're trumpeting that to show that Bush's credibility is under attack and that Americans are suspect about Bush and his honesty. But the wording of the question was not Bush. The wording of the question was members of the Bush administration, which means, in effect, if you don't like Donald Rumsfeld, or you don't like Dick Cheney, or you don't like Colin Powell, or you don't like Tenet at the CIA, you would say yes, members of the administration may have mislead the country." The Factor said the paper's columnists then trumpet the stats from the poll. "Their left wing columnists then take those stats, throw it in their column and say look at this bad guy."

Handling unruly students
Guest: Dr. Clayton Wilcox, Pinellas County Schools
You may remember a 5-year-old in Pinellas County, Florida girl was handcuffed by police after misbehaving and a few weeks ago a 13-year-old was also handcuffed on a bus after she shouted at police. Now there is a class action lawsuit against the Pinellas county school system that seeks to find out how black students are taught and disciplined.
Dr. Clayton Wilcox, the superintendent of the Pinellas county schools, said that some black families in his school district did not have the luxury of being around to supervise their children as much as they'd like. "While I'm not here to make excuses, I will say this. That I think many of our African-American students have mothers or fathers who are working two and three jobs at minimum wage. They perhaps aren't in the home to help the young people to the same degree that some of the folks who are living in, you know, $100,000, $200,000 homes." The Factor said it must be an emotional problem. "You've got to get into a lot of issues for people that are very emotional. I mean, they're saying, "Look, you're disciplining black kids more than white kids" and that they believe that.
Nineteen percent of the students are black, but 39 percent of all the disciplinary referrals go to black students. And they're saying, wait a minute, if we're only 19 percent why is it skewed?"

Howard Stern, part 2
Guest: Howard Stern
As we told you last night Howard Stern is now the highest paid entertainer in American history and his success is based upon a very simple concept saying whatever pops into his mind no matter how offensive it is. Tonight Stern told the Factor who his audience is and why he is successful. "I have always envisioned the guy I'm doing the show for is driving to work. He's a buddy of mine. We're in the locker room, and man, we're talking reality. We're not talking politely. We're being honest, we're being real. The secret to my show isn't dirty words. The secret to my show isn't potty humor. The secret to my show is honesty, reality." The Factor said that both men were not so different. "We were both raised in working-class families on Long Island, OK? Stern and O'Reilly. We both wind up at Boston University at the same time. We both reached the top of our professions."
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Ann Coulter attacked on campus
Guest: Fox News analyst Ellis Henican
As we predicted Ann Coulter was verbally assaulted at the University of Connecticut last night. This is a continuing trend on the part of far-left zealots, shouting down anyone with whom they disagree as well as defaming them and sliming them and generally hating them. Ellis Henican tried to explain. "Let me just say I'm not here to defend shouting people down. I would much rather out-argue Ann Coulter than silence her. But if you're Ann Coulter or any provocative speaker, you go out into the world, the great cacophony that is American political dialogue. You talk. People are going to talk back sometime at you and sometimes they're going to do it rudely and aggressively. And if you can't stand that kind of pressure, you shouldn't be in the polemic business." The Factor thought the reaction to Coulter was unacceptable. "Most people showed up, and I think there were 1,300 of them, to hear what the woman had to say. These far left Nazis -- and that's what they are, OK? -- came in, not only insulted Ms. Coulter but violated the rights of the people who came to hear what she had to say. This is unacceptable on every level."

Viewers sound off
Tons of mail about Howard Stern?
Mark Wilms, St. Charles, MN: "Howard Stern wants to broadcast from a house of prostitution in the name of free speech, but the waitress in my coffee shop is not allowed to say 'Merry Christmas.' Something is definitely wrong with our society."
Johnny Parker, Tuscaloosa, AL: "Bill, what good does it do to take the high ground defending Christmas, but then sink to a new low by interviewing Howard Stern?"
Ron Heaney, Beverly, MA: "Bill, when I heard Stern was coming on the Factor, I thought it would be a nightmare. But I really enjoyed the interview."
Brandon Stevens, Huntington, WV: "Bill, why were you in attack mode with Howard? You were out of line."
J. J. Arsenault, Simi Valley, CA: "Bill, Howard Stern the most successful entertainer in America? Haven't you heard of Oprah, Bill Cosby and Tom Cruise?"