O'Reilly's History Quiz
Johnny Appleseed
Johnny Appleseed, born September 26, 1774, was a legendary American pioneer who took it upon himself to plant and provide apple trees to much of the United States of America. Take the quiz to learn more about him - and try to beat last week's 5.35 average.
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1. A legend even in his own time, Johnny Appleseed was born John Chapman on September 26, 1774, in Massachusetts. Where do apples originate from?
2. Who planted the first apple trees in what became the United States?
3. Red Delicious is the most widely grown variety in the U.S., but what is the only apple native to the U.S.?
4. What were most of the apples from Johnny Appleseed's trees used for?
5. Appleseed traveled and planted apple trees where he believed settlers were likely to go. After several years he would sell off the land and the orchard. Those orchards helped to establish what on the land?
6. Johnny Appleseed planted apples in which three states?
7. Chapman travelled around wearing clothing made from sack cloth using what mode of transportation?
8. In addition to planting apples, Johnny Appleseed left what in the cabins he visited?
9. The legend of Johnny Appleseed grew after W.D. Haley wrote a chronicle in of his life for what weekly publication?
10. Johnny Appleseed isn't the only person famous for apples. Where do Granny Smith apples originate from?