News Quiz
Week of 4/14
1. Al Sharpton's National Action Network held its annual convention last week and featured whom as the keynote speaker?
2. While the stock market plunged last week, the price of what reached an all-time high?
3. Standard & Poor's has downgraded New Jersey's bond rating, but the Garden State is still deemed more creditworthy than California and what other state?
4. Brandeis University has withdrawn its decision honor Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a frequent critic of Islam. Who was Louis Brandeis, for whom the school is named?
5. Protestors have also begun a campaign to have which conservative axed from the board of the high-tech company Dropbox?
6. President Obama and Michelle Obama donated $59,000 to charity in 2013. What was the largest beneficiary of their largesse?
7. Authorities in Pakistan lodged attempted murder charges against Musa Khan last week. Why is that notable?
8. Zeituni Onyango died last week at the age of 61. Who was she?
9. Which former baseball great compared Republicans to the Ku Klux Klan?
10. CNN is revamping its beleaguered evening lineup, which will no longer include whom?

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