Hate Speech and the 'Net
By: BillOReilly.com Staff Thursday, February 21, 2008
What do Nancy Reagan and Michelle Obama have in common besides being political wives? Well, they were both under heavy scrutiny this week.

As you may know, Michelle Obama gave two speeches in Wisconsin where she said that for the first time in her adult life, she was proud of America because her husband's campaign has been so well-received. That statement, of course, caused major controversy. Michelle Obama is 45 years old—are you telling me she's never been proud of her country before?

Nancy Reagan is 86 years old. A few days ago, she fell down in her California home and was rushed to the hospital. She's OK, but it was a painful ordeal for Mrs. Reagan.

It was also painful to see how the political Internet sites analyzed both of these situations. On the far-left, they basically ignored the Michelle Obama controversy. Only one prominent far-left site dealt with it, and it blamed conservatives for trumping up hostility against Mrs. Obama.

As for Nancy Reagan, it was a far different story. On the crazy left Huffington Post, the following hateful comments were posted about the former first lady:
  • "Like her evil husband, she has lived far too long. Here's hoping the hag suffers for several weeks, then croaks in the tub."
  • "The old bat will probably steal everything in the hospital room."
  • "I feel no pity for the b---- who took delight in watching thousands die of a horrible disease and watching the poor having to eat out of dumpsters because of her husband's political beliefs."
There are dozens of other vile comments available for your reading pleasure on the Huffington Post. Apparently, Arianna Huffington, the woman who runs the site, has no problem with publishing hate speech. Ms. Huffington has the power to remove this trash immediately, but she chooses not to.

Incredibly, some Americans still do not understand how powerful the Internet has become in a very short time. Many of us are also unaware of how hate speech is flourishing on the net. The haters can post their threats and defamation anonymously and can attack at will with no consequence. Instead of wearing white hoods, these despicable people hide behind a machine.

Defenders of the political Internet sewer say freedom of speech is the issue. But that's a canard. Hate speech is hate speech, whether it's being spewed by some nut wearing a Nazi armband, or some gnome hunched over a keyboard.

People like Arianna Huffington should be taken out to the village square and publicly scolded. Their enterprises diminish this country, and nothing good can come of that.

A few years ago, people who spewed hatred in public were ostracized. Now they can join clubs on the 'net. There is something very disturbing about all of this. In order for a country to be truly free, people must be responsible and fair-minded. Right now, I believe the Internet is taking us in the opposite direction. And there are few voices speaking up against it.

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