Bill O'Reilly
April 24, 2018
The Civic Civil War in America
The civic civil war in America is expanding rapidly across all boundaries.  Even school kids are participating with the gun control stuff.   The battle lines are getting more intense between traditional Americans and the left and there’s nowhere to hide.  It’s American vs. American.

Sports used to be a good escape from ideological madness but no longer.  Recently in Holland, Colin Kaepernick received an award from the far left group Amnesty International.  His speech was militant to say the least; Kaepernick claiming the USA is systematically murdering African-Americans as well as enslaving them through mass incarceration.

Colin Kaepernick makes the Dixie Chicks look like Rush Limbaugh.

So after that, the lead NFL writer for Sports Illustrated, Peter King, spins Kaepernick’s speech positive in a column about football.  Of course King does not mention the over-the-top inflammatory parts of the anti-American diatribe.  He just puts forth that Colin Kaepernick received a “prestigious” award.  King has been consistently sympathetic to Kaepernick.

I am inviting Mr. King on the No Spin News but doubt he’ll show up.  I want to ask him if besmirching America overseas is a worthy thing for an athlete to do.  Does Peter King believe American law enforcement actively targets black civilians for death and destruction?  Does he believe our system enjoys incarcerating black people?  If King is going to back Kaepernick he should answer those questions.  Should he not?

A few years ago, the sports network ESPN moved dramatically to the left politically for no apparent reason.  Folks want the game highlights not snide political asides and ratings suffered.  Sports Illustrated seems to be following the same path.  

The Civil War rages.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly