Woke Fanatics
By: Bill O'ReillyNovember 12, 2024
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Woke is on the run.  About time.  Awful movement that is about as un-American as you can get.
On the site, we sell "Not Woke" mugs, shirts, bumper stickers.  Fastest moving items we've ever had.  Folks want to express their antipathy to "Woke."
Because supporting biological males competing against females is wrong and can be dangerous.  Ditto the intrusion into women's locker rooms by biological men.
I don't care if someone transitions, but that person has absolutely no right to impose their status on anyone.   Period.
Then there's skin color.  It is wrong to assess an American based on pigmentation.  We have strong laws against hurting African Americans and other minorities.  These are good laws.
But now, the woke fanatics want to discard merit and replace it with race preferences mandated by employers and colleges.
Flat out a denial of equal opportunity.
A woke country is not a just country. Allowing criminals to hurt people and walk free is not justice.  It is dangerous. Advocating government seizure of assets through extreme taxation destroys achievement.
Kamala Harris was the most woke presidential candidate in history by far. She got smoked. It was a combination of incompetence, arrogance and woke that brought the Vice President down.
She got what she deserved.
See you this evening for the No Spin News.

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