Why President Obama and Congress Are Not Protecting Us Effectively
By: Bill O'ReillySeptember 29, 2014
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If you are not troubled about how the U.S.A. is being run, you are not paying attention.

The threat from Islamic killers is growing, and our response is disorganized to say the least.

But even more dangerous than that is the fact that our government is caught by surprise time after time after time.

The murder of America's ambassador in Libya … the Obama administration caught by surprise.

Putin's seizure of Crimea … a big surprise to the White House.

ISIS invading Iraq, again President Obama says he and his national security team were surprised.

Now, that is simply unacceptable.

And the one body that could do something about it is Congress.

The House and Senate have oversight on the president and how he conducts himself in office.

We have plenty of committees set up to make sure national security is being upheld.

But it is not being upheld and everybody knows it.

Yet our Congress people and senators say little.

A few like John McCain and Lindsey Graham have been outspoken about the danger to America, and they have been vilified by the left as warmongers.

In fact, on the Democratic side we hear gibberish, foolish rationalizations, or attacks on people like me, who are pointing out the danger of the worldwide jihad.

Last night on “60 Minutes,” President Obama stuck by his talking points.

OBAMA: “I made very clear we are not at war against Islam.  Islam is a religion that preaches peace and the overwhelming majority of Muslims are peaceful.  But in the Muslim world right now, there is a cancer that has grown for too long that suggests that it is acceptable to kill innocent people who worship a different God. ((EDIT)) We have to get the international community to recognize this is a problem. We've got to get Arab and Muslim leaders to say very clearly, ‘These folks do not represent us. They do not represent Islam,’ and to speak out forcefully against them.”

So let me get this straight: President Obama after 13 years believes that he is going to get Muslim leaders to speak out against the jihad?

He himself has had six years to do that, and what do we have?  Very little in the way of Muslim nations helping the U.S. against the terrorists.

So there comes a point when saying we have to get Muslim leaders to condemn the jihad is simply a waste of time.

BILL MAHER, COMEDIAN: “President Obama keeps insisting that's ISIS is not Islamic.  Well, maybe they don't practice the Muslim faith the same way he does. (AUDIENCE GROANS) But if vast numbers of Muslims across the world believe, and they do, that humans deserve to die for merely holding a different idea or drawing a cartoon or writing a book or eloping with the wrong person, not only does the Muslim world have something in common with ISIS, it has too much in common with ISIS.”

That statement is unfair.  Most Muslims are peaceful people.

But Muslims are afraid that if they do speak out, they will be killed by the jihadists.

Therefore they look to their leaders in countries like Pakistan, Algeria, Egypt and what do they see?

Chaos and cowardice, that's what.

So it's not the individual Muslims that's the problem.  It's the Muslim nations who tolerate and sometimes even support the terrorists.

However, in his interview last night President Obama remained positive.

OBAMA: “The good news is that you have an unprecedented international coalition that is serious about this.  Not only do we have Arab states participating in air strikes for the first time in a very long time and being very serious about their commitment.  But you've got-- the United Kingdom, you've got France, Belgium.”

We've got France and Belgium doing what?

The fact is that out of the 62 coalition nations only four will attack ISIS inside of Syria.

Let me repeat: President Obama has put together 62 nations that say they don't like ISIS and are willing to help out, yet only four will bomb ISIS positions in Syria.

That is a very weak coalition -- a bunch of nations that are talking but are not acting.

And why won't they bomb inside of Syria?  What's the downside for them?

The sad fact is that the United States is the only nation on the Earth capable of destroying the jihad.

China and Russia could do it, but will not because they want to see America damaged.

China and Russia's capabilities are directed toward expanding their power and limiting democracy, not fighting evil.

The jihadists well understand that the West does not have the will to defeat them.

That's why they behead people on camera.  They are arrogant ... these savages do not fear reprisals because the reprisals are so weak.

And that brings me to General George Patton.

As you may know I've been promoting my new book Killing Patton and many interviewers ask what General Patton would think about fighting the jihad.

Yesterday on ABC News, George Stephanopoulos and I discussed my idea for a mercenary army paid for by the coalition, which is obviously not willing to fight itself.

George Patton's name came up:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: “Would he really believe in outsourcing our national security like that?”

O’REILLY: “No, Patton would just want to go in himself to do it.  If George Patton were alive today he would be saying to President Obama 'Give me the Third. I'll go into Syria and wipe them all out.’ And he would.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: “Obama wouldn't approve that one.”


O’REILLY: “It’s a worldwide war against jihad.  It’s not gonna stop.  So let’s win the war and that’s what George Patton would say.  Let’s win the damn war.”

That's easy to say and very difficult to do.

The jihadists are all over the world now, and our government is befuddled to say the least.

President Obama and leaders of Congress need to sit down and find out why we are so often taken by surprise by dangerous situations.

There is something very wrong here, and it's just a matter of time until more Americans die because of it.

And that's the memo.

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