White Dudes for Harris
By: Bill O'ReillyJuly 30, 2024
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"White Dudes for Harris." The latest skin color promotion by Democrats.  It's so stupid we have to change the brand.
To White Duds for Harris.
What is this?  Why the race stuff?   Who gives a whit about complexion when the country is deeply divided over essential governance?  Hey, "White Dudes," unless you have something to add other than pigmentation, slink away.
Kamala Harris' rise in the polling is being fueled by women of color and younger Americans who know little about the world.
Think back to when you were 22.  It's too painful for me.  Big dope is the description I'll cop to.
But as dense as I was, skin color was not a factor for me regarding anything.  No West Side Story.  No Sharks and Jets.  I played on an all-Black baseball team, the Brooklyn Monarchs.  Only the manager was white, an older Jewish guy. His advice to a 6'4" right-handed pitcher was straightforward: "Don't walk anybody.  We don't like that."
We.  The team.  Tough, impatient guys.  I threw strikes.
Anyway, if you are on the skin color team, you're a moron.  Like the dudes. Like the BLMs.
That's it.  There's no debate.
See you this evening for the No Spin News.

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