The Afternoon Dispatch is written by staff.
It’s right there in the Declaration of Independence. In 1776, for the first time in human history, a document stated that citizens have the right to pursue happiness.
Which brings us to the ‘World Happiness Report,’ released every year on March 20th, which just happens to be ‘World Happiness Day.’ As always, Finland leads the pack, followed closely by other Nordic nations. The United States, meanwhile, has been sinking in recent years and is now 24th. One wonders why so many Mexicans, whose country is ranked 10th, are so eager to cross the Rio Grande.
Other questions abound. Why do ‘happy’ Finns and Swedes have relatively high suicide rates? Why do Scandinavian nations ingest so many antidepressants? Why does Lebanon, near the bottom of the ‘Happiness Report,’ have one of the lowest suicide rates in the world?
When it comes to the USA, the report laments that Americans are suffering from loneliness and lack of connection. Our fractured politics also doesn’t help, although studies consistently find that conservatives are more content than liberal Americans. It could be that ‘progressives’ find fault with the country and society, while right-leaning types tend to cherish America, warts and all.
Similarly, religious Americans consider themselves happier than non-believers. One can ask, then, why are so many non-religious nations at the top of the index while more-faithful America is dropping?
Similarly, religious Americans consider themselves happier than non-believers. One can ask, then, why are so many non-religious nations at the top of the index while more-faithful America is dropping?
So what to make of the ‘Happiness Report,’ which always garners a lot of attention? It should probably be taken with many grains of salt. Contentment is extremely difficult to measure, so we’ll propose our own yardstick: Do you know anyone, Rosie O’Donnell and other Trump-haters notwithstanding, who is eager to relocate, even to ultra-happy Finland? Meanwhile, people from all over the world continue to stream here for freedom and opportunity.
By that very important measure, Americans live in the greatest country in the history of the world. Most of us know it … and are pretty darned happy about it.