The Problem with Liberalism
By: Bill O'ReillyAugust 3, 2015
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No matter who wins the Democratic presidential nomination they will toe the liberal line. That's because the Democratic Party has been taken over by the far left. Few moderate Democrats have any currency in the party.

That was demonstrated once again today when only 2 Democrats voted against defunding Planned Parenthood and the measure failed because the Senate could not get 60 votes. 

Now there is no question that Planned Parenthood is an abortion factory and there is no question the group sells the body parts of dead babies or fetuses. Yet the Democratic Party does not care.

The liberal philosophy is based upon fairness for the underdog helping those who are down protecting the defenseless. Yet unborn babies don't count. How does that work when the liberal line urges social justice?

To those of you who deny life begins with human DNA - What qualifies you to say that? It's a belief - that's all. And the belief may be wrong.  Meantime, millions of potential human beings have been destroyed and if you voice objection then you are declaring war on women. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

The decline of liberalism began with a real war - Vietnam. The left voiced major objections and they were right the war was fought in a dishonest way and hundreds of thousands of American working men and women were killed or wounded.

That radicalized the left and many liberals turned Saul Alinsky - meaning damning anyone who did not agree with them.

Today we have the most liberal president in America's history - Barack Obama. But his economic policies have not improved the lives of the poor or African Americans. Every statistic tells the same story. There are fewer good jobs & salaries are stagnant on Obama's watch. That's because the federal government cannot run a free marketplace.

Even in a country like Cuba with a population of eleven million - the lack of free enterprise dooms people to poverty.

Incredibly even some left wing commentators are catching on.

MSNBC's Hardball, Thursday 

CHRIS MATTHEWS: “What is the difference between the Democrat and a socialist? I used to think there was a big difference, but what do you think it is?”

MATTHEWS: “- between a Democrat like Hillary Clinton and a socialist like Bernie Sanders.”
SCHULTZ: “The more important point is what’s the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican.”

On the protection front, even a simple thing like Kate's Law which would mandate incarceration for illegal aliens who commit aggravated felonies in America and then defy deportation is rejected by many liberals. Later in the broadcast Jesse Watters will confront Illinois Senator Dick Durbin on that issue.

So why are liberal politicians against a law that would protect Americans? It makes no sense at all and would not impede the quest for so called comprehensive immigration reform.

Finally let's take a look at three cities run by uber-liberal mayors. 

Over the weekend here in New York City 25 people were shot. Three of them died. The victims and perps were mostly black. In Chicago, 40 people were shot three of them died. In Baltimore, 15 people shot and five of them died.

Again, African-Americans made up most of the victims and perps.

So, where is the group Black Lives Matter on that? I guess Black lives matter not so much in cities run by liberal politicians who can't control the streets.

No matter how many facts Talking Points presents on the economy, on crime, on foreign policy, on individual behavior - liberals will not admit their philosophy has gone off track. Thus we have a presidential election in 2016 that will once again pit the liberal philosophy against a traditional one. 

If facts matter the election should not even be close.

If facts matter.

 And that's the memo.

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