It's really astonishing what has happened to the American news industry. It's collapsed. Totally. Not coming back soon.
Trump caused this but passively. Yes, he's now socking it to the leftwing media to use a 1960s expression. But it's the American people themselves who are primarily responsible for the media meltdown.
Here's simple analysis from a simple man, me. We are all living in a tribal society where politics is concerned. The MAGA folks are delirious with joy that Donald Trump is back in the White House. They love him hammering the leftist, woke movement.
On the other side, liberals are distraught about Trump. They can't stand the sight of him and oppose everything he's doing. Of course, that makes them look foolish and bitter. Not a good look when you're on television masquerading as a fair person.
Conversely, many pro-Trumpers only seek information that comforts them. Fox, Newsmax, talk radio. No dissent. The President is great! That's all folks, to quote Porky Pig. Although Mr. Trump rightly complains about unfair press coverage, he does control substantial messaging by his media allies.
So it's Trump good, Trump bad, although many wokesters have completely checked out.
Lost in the tribal angst on both sides is a fair assessment of what's really happening in this country.
Here's backup for that statement from The Wall Street Journal editorial page, one of the few honest brokers of information.
Medicaid is an extremely important issue. Millions of Americans count on state medical reimbursements. The federal government spends about $600 billion a year to help states pay Medicaid expenses. That's in addition to $850 billion in direct federal Medicare subsidies. Close to $1.5 trillion for the nation's health annually. Insane spending. Unsustainable.
The leftist media says Trump and the Republicans want to CUT Medicaid. Not true. The House spending proposal would keep the entitlement's growth at two percent. No cut.
"That's horrendous", the liberal media wail! People will suffer, and that's what Trump wants because he's mean!
Not close to the truth. Medicaid was originally conceived to help disadvantaged Americans. No longer. Able-bodied layabouts are lined up to get it. No job seeking required, no drug testing, no proof of citizenship. Nope, everyone in the pool!
Did you know the Biden administration gave waivers to allow states to use federal health subsidies for other reasons? In California, Medicaid funds are used for free art and music lessons. In Oregon, some cooking classes are funded by Medicaid.
As Jimmy Durante once said, I've got a million of 'em.
But the media isn't very interested in any of this. All day, every day, it's Trump is bad or Trump is good. Who needs to uncover important information? Certainly not the tribal press. It's far too difficult to investigate reality, and besides, few consumers even want that. They are too busy rooting or hating.
That's not the formula for success in life. The old adage is knowledge is power. It's true. The more reality you absorb, the better you will be able to make constructive personal decisions and avoid calamity.
Based on self-interest, there should be a big tribe rejecting propaganda and promoting honest reporting. But in America today, there isn't.