Bill reports on a nonpartisan study that sounds the alarm on the solvency of Social Security.
O'REILLY: The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. We've had their president on Maya McGuines couple of times on the No Spin News. They're nonpartisan. I had my producers check again to see if there's any bias left or right, and there isn't. We can't find any. They say if Donald Trump is elected and gets what he's promised done, that Social Security funds will run out in six years. That's pretty frightening. All right. However, Trump's not going to get what he wants because what he wants is anybody getting Social Security. And remember, we paid into it, doesn't have to pay tax on the money. That's never got to happen. Congress will never do that. Even a Republican Congress wouldn't do that. And no tax on tips and on and on. So Trump may want to do it. But it's not going to happen even if he is elected. And you heard it here first. However, the specter of Social Security running out in six years is real. But even if that happened, the federal government would have to inject money into that system, take it from somewhere else. If you if you really want to know how crazy things are, you look at the food stamps in America and how much that's gone up in ten years. I'll give you the stats tomorrow on the food stamps. Right. I was just signaling my producers, let's do a food stamps thing. I mean, the amount of money going out and look, if you're hungry. Okay, I got it. Fine. I want the safety net, but you've got to have some regulatory oversight on it. Crazy, what the Biden people did.
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