History often follows a pattern of behavior, such as Republicans seeking smaller government while Democrats want a larger federal footprint in order to mitigate societal wrongs.
In modern times, the American left usually opposes war. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, just to cite a few examples.
But now it is the left that is castigating President Trump for pursuing a realistic ceasefire deal in Ukraine. It is obvious that Putin is not going to stop murdering people unless he gets a deal that makes him look good. So, Trump is patronizing bad Vlad, and many liberals are braying criticism because of it.
Remember, Ho Chi Minh was as evil as they come but Jane Fonda and her crew loved Uncle Ho. It was the USA that was the villain in Southeast Asia.
Putin is Minh's soulmate. But the left despises Vlad and, apparently, wants to continue a brutal, unwinnable conflict in Ukraine while it wanted out of Vietnam at any cost.
It's all about Trump, of course. Whatever he does is worse than anything anybody else does. If the President wants Zelensky to lighten up on Vlad in order to stop the bloodshed, the left will find a way to oppose that so it can criticize Trump.
That's the country in which we all live. Emotion and partisan politics rule. Putin loves this.
See you this evening for the No Spin News.