The Far-Left ACLU
By: Bill O'ReillyMarch 14, 2025
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The American Civil Liberties Union has morphed into a far-left subversive group that is actively undermining society. Nevertheless, Americans donate about $250 million a year to this outfit.  I assume many givers simply don't understand the threat.

In addition to condemning the Child Internet Protection Act which would criminalize destructive social media aimed at children, the ACLU opposes laws restricting illegal immigration and border control.  That endangers every American as foreign criminals and terrorists obviously can exploit an open border.

But it is in Indiana where the ACLU has reached critical mass.

Sitting in state prison, there is 42-year-old Jonathan Richardson, who strangled his 11-month-old daughter to death in 2001. Richardson admitted the infanticide showing no remorse.  He was sentenced to 55 years in prison.

But he is not doing quiet time.  He's changed his name to Autumn Cordellione and is demanding surgery to transition to a female.  He wants taxpayers to pick up the $150,000 tab.

The ACLU is down with that, suing in federal court to get Indiana to pony up the money.  Remember, private donations to the radical group are financing the litigation.

A liberal judge, Richard Young, has ruled in favor of the baby killer saying that denying him the surgery is against the Eighth Amendment, cruel and unusual punishment.

The ruling is an activist action not based on any rational interpretation of the law. And I believe it will be overturned on appeal.

However, you should know the true intentions of the ACLU and the judicial corruption that is battering the U.S. Justice System.  It is simply horrifying.

As is the baby killer Jonathan Richardson.

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