A plan to solve the immigration crisis that is fair, humane, and can be implemented quickly.
Number one, in order to stop the border madness, President Obama must demand that Mexico police its own borders. That means stopping tens of thousands of illegal aliens from crossing into Mexico from Guatemala. Not a hard thing to do if you post the military at border check points.
In addition, the Mexican army must patrol the border with the USA stopping the human smugglers and border intruders.
On the other side of the border, the American army will also be patrolling to back up the U-S Border Patrol at the hottest spots like the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. The National Guard should have been ordered to the border a long time ago. Its presence alone would inhibit people from paying the smugglers. It would also inhibit drug trafficking.
If Mexico does not cooperate on its borders, President Obama should issue trade sanctions against that country quickly. Mexico is the primary reason we have so much immigration chaos and it's time our federal government acted responsibly to hold that country accountable.
We here on the Factor have called for Americans to boycott Mexico. No traveling there. Don't buy their stuff until they stop the massive corruption that has enveloped the entire country. Mexico should allow American planes to conduct surveillance in its air space to pinpoint illegal immigration camps and stop the flow of folks.
Strong action by President Obama is needed right now and the Mexican government would respond to any threat of trade sanctions.
And what about the undocumented aliens who are already here? First they all must register at their local post office within three months providing name, age, family members, country of origin and address in the USA.
Every illegal alien adult must do that. If they don't, it's a felony. They go to a federal prison upon conviction. Once the foreign national registers, he or she is sent a tamper-proof ID card allowing them to apply for working papers. They can apply to be citizens and their applications will be placed behind those applying legally.
Under my immigration plan, the feds have the power to immediately deport anyone whom they feel is undesirable for criminal or social reasons. Also, the aliens could not receive entitlements although their children could. If an immigrant cannot find work he or she is deportable up to Homeland Security to make that decision.
So there's no amnesty. There's a vetting process but there's also hope that a hard-working, honest, foreign national might build a life here. But no guarantee. It is a fair plan that would put a severe dent in a problem that has been vexing America for decades.
The rules for full citizenship would be tough and it would take a long time but in the end that kind of immigration plan would strengthen the country and show the world we are a humane nation but not a soft one.
