The Drew-Kamala Interview
By: Bill O'ReillyMay 1, 2024
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The Joe and Kamala softball tour continues with the Vice President appearing on Drew Barrymore's morning TV show.

I don't know Ms. Barrymore but she looks like a nice person.  However, political chats might not be her forte.  

From the jump the Drew-Kamala interview was ... well ... a box of chocolates to quote Forrest Gump.  

Drew saying quote: "We all need a mom. I've been thinking that we all need a tremendous hug.  But in our country, we need you to be Momala of the country."

To which the Vice President replied: "yeah."

Now, that wasn't at the level of the Joe Biden/Howard Stern smooch-a-rama but it was close. Momala and Drew bonded just as Joe and Howie did.

Hugs all around.

Yes, it is an election year, and the democrats know they have a vast safe space with the American media. At this point, the Biden campaign understands it can avoid all tough questioning, kind of like what Putin does.

Will this hugs strategy work?  No, I don't think so. Joe and Kamala look weak participating in the media nonsense.

And besides, shouldn't Trump be getting a few hugs. Let's label it Tra-mala.

See you this evening for the No Spin News.