The Consequences of President Harris
By: Bill O'ReillyOctober 30, 2024
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Bill on what a Kamala Harris victory means.



If Kamala Harris wins, and both houses were to go to the Democrats, this is what would happen to this country. All right. Number one, amnesty for all undocumented aliens who have not committed a felony. All of them. So we'd have 15 million new citizens. Amnesty. Reparations for slavery. That would cost hundreds of billions of dollars. Money would be given to African-Americans who had ancestors in the slave situation. I don't know how that would ever happen. Logistically, it would be a nightmare to try to trace all that back. But that's what Kamala Harris wants. You don't believe me? Listen to this. Go.

"You would be willing to lead a conversation of what reparations for black people will look like?".

"Yeah, including things like what we should be doing to take very seriously undiagnosed and untreated trauma. Take that very seriously."

Yeah, okay. No. All right. Three Allowing the government to undermine parental authority from coast to coast in abortion and gender matters involving their minor children. So there would be federal laws passed that say, hey, if your kid wants to transition from a male to a female, you can't stop it. If your daughter wants to have an abortion, you don't even know about it. That girl can get an abortion with no parental notification. That's what Kamala Harris supports. And I'm not even going to get into the taxpayer money that would pay for the gender operations of convicts of migrants. No restraint. Remember, there's no restraint on abortion for Kamala Harris. None. And she'd bring that same mentality over to the gender transition.

Okay. Severe restrictions on firearms. What does that mean? It means there will be new federal laws making it very, very difficult for an American citizen to carry a firearm. And I'm not, the AKs and the heavy rifles would probably be banned. But the real serious thing is that they would stack up, the federal government would stack up laws that make it very difficult for you to carry. I don't think they could seize the guns from your home. They couldn't do that under the Second Amendment. Again, real difficult for you to transport the firearms anywhere.

Onerous taxation on the affluent and corporations. Fair share. We all know that. That's a hallmark of Kamala Harris's presentation. And of course, all that money would be passed on to consumers raising prices even higher. But more threatening is that in order to fund all of the entitlements, Kamala Harris wants to give people, she would have to tax wealth. So if you had a paper gain of stocks or bonds or gold or heirlooms or anything. The government would assess that and then tax you on it. And if it went down the next year, so you have this gain in 2025, but in 2026, goes down, you don't get a refund. They just have to assess it again. And every year you have to pay. That's that's outright socialism, close to communism. It's a seizure of private assets.

Okay. A government economy that mandates green spending and strategies. So I asked my staff to total up all the green spending by the Biden administration. There is no figure. But according to, 34 billion has been spent on solar projects and another 11 billion on wind project projects. So we're up to 45 billion just on those two things, government spending. I'm talking about the government would order corporations to do X, would have to do it and it would all be under the green thing, the global warming thing. All right.

A reimagining of criminal punishment in the federal system. Prison sentences would be reduced dramatically because that's where the left lives. That's why we have so much social disorder in the major cities now, imposed equity where the federal government would provide entitlements to selected groups. The best example of this is the $25,000 giveaway that Harris is touting to first time homebuyers. Okay, so that's a massive expenditure and it's unconstitutional because it's a selected group getting my, I'm not going to get it, but my tax dollars has to go to them. Who do you think pays for all this stuff? We, the working people in America pay for it. All right. That's equity. So the, certain groups are going to get money, but others aren't. That's not equal justice under the law. All right. It's not. And, you know, all of this stuff will be challenged, but this is what they want, the progressives want.

Strict limits on speech. This is very interesting. So in Sweden, they have a law that prohibits hate speech. What's hate speech in Sweden? Statements that threaten or expressed disrespect for ethnic groups or similar groups regarding race, skin color, national nationality, ethnic origin, faith, sexual orientation. So if you criticize somebody, show them disrespect. You could be criminally prosecuted in Sweden, you can get up to four years in prison. What the progressive want. So I would be doing life right now. And I criticize everybody. Okay, I don't care about race or creed or religion. You're doing something that hurts the folks. I'm coming after you. But I'd be under what the progressives want. I'd be muzzled, so would every other analyst that's not a progressive.

And finally, the weaponization of the Justice Department, IRS. Under the Biden administration, 87,000 new IRS employees have been approved. That means the money set aside to pay them. What do you think they're going to be doing? They're going to be auditing people all over the place, people they don't like. They don't like a group, they'll get audited. And the Justice Department. We've seen it time and time again, Trump being the best case, most vivid case, that will break you. Okay, we'll break you. Donald Trump would be broken if he didn't have the political action committees picking up his lawyer bills. So they can come in on any American and they can charge you and you have to pay all the court, all the lawyers, to break you. That's not hard. It's easy for them to do. That's what progressives have been doing.

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