Political Involvement
By: Bill O'ReillySeptember 23, 2024
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Many showbiz and sports people don't understand the danger of political involvement.  It's not really fair, but American consumers often turn against individuals and companies that offend their belief systems.
Bud Light is the most vivid example. That brand remains demonized after hiring a trans spokesperson years ago.
Taylor Swift has hurt her image by endorsing Kamala Harris.  Actor Vince Vaughn, a good guy, got blasted after he was seen watching a football game with Donald Trump.  George Clooney's liberal advocacy has absolutely damaged his performing career.  Late-night TV ratings have been decimated by partisanship.
Again, it may not be fair, but as Cronkite once posited, that's the way it is.
Last week shock jock Howard Stern said he "hated" Trump supporters.  Then Oprah Winfrey hosted a kiss-kiss with Ms. Harris.  Both celebrities certainly knew their actions would bring scorn, but they are so wealthy and famous that there's little economic downside. However, there's something else to consider.
As one who's been in the public eye for decades, I would never stifle an important belief out of fear.  But I don't recommend that point of view.  Every single day, I have to deal with unhinged folks who want to hurt me.
It should not be this way.  But "should not" is kind of meaningless.  Nothing will stop the truly vengeful legions.
Remember that.

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