National Security and Your Security
By: Bill O'ReillyOctober 27, 2014
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What do Ebola, ISIS, illegal alien criminals and fanatical Muslims all have in common?

The answer: they all are a threat to our security.

Let's take them one by one.

It is now estimated that the ISIS terror group may have up to 50,000 members, who are bent on killing both Muslims and infidels -- that's us -- in order to impose a fundamentalist Muslim state on the world.

Currently, ISIS is now holding perhaps as many as 20 Western hostages.  They have already executed four: two Americans and two British subjects. 

There will be more ISIS terror, you can count on it.

In one of the major failings of the Obama administration, the ISIS group was allowed to gain power unchecked for months.

U.S. intelligence knew about the ISIS threat, but President Obama and his national security staff refused to engage.

No matter what party you're in, no matter what ideology you hold, that mistake is in stone.

And that mistake is now a severe national security problem.

Number two, Ebola. 

From the very beginning, Talking Points has called for common sense precautions, such as restricting visas from the West African Ebola regions so that the American people will not be exposed to the disease.

Thomas Duncan, the Liberian who died in Dallas, infected two American nurses before he passed.  Mr. Duncan never should have been in this country.

But the Obama administration still has not restricted visas from West Africa.

The administration has also refused to quarantine people coming to the USA from the Ebola regions.

So Governor Cuomo of New York and Governor Christie of New Jersey imposed their own quarantines.

Christie directly refuting Dr. Anthony Fauci, a federal health official.

CHRIS CHRISTIE (R), NEW JERSEY GOVERNOR: “What he's counting on is a voluntary system with folks who may or may not comply.  We had the situation in New Jersey, Chris, as you know, with a NBC News crew that said that they were going to self-quarantine and then two days later they were picking up takeout in Princeton and walking a around the streets of Princeton.  I mean, the fact of the matter is that we -- I don't believe when you're dealing with something as serious as this that we can count on a voluntary system.”

Illinois has also imposed a quarantine situation, along with Florida.    

One American nurse, who was quarantined in New Jersey, has threatened to file a lawsuit. 

Megyn Kelly will deal with that in just a little while.

The overall federal policy on Ebola remains confused and ineffective.

Right now there is a five-year-old boy in isolation at Bellevue hospital here in New York City.

He spent a month in the Ebola region of Guinea, West Africa, but he and his family were allowed to enter the USA and go home to the Bronx.

The boy developed a fever, but city officials say tonight they do not believe it's Ebola. 

Also, Dr. Craig Spencer remains in serious condition at Bellevue with Ebola.  His girlfriend and two other friends are being quarantined.

Dr. Spencer never should have been allowed to return to his home after treating Ebola patients in Africa.

All this Ebola madness is a danger to the public health.

Number three, the criminal illegal alien situation.  Boy is that ever out of control.

On Friday, Sacramento County Deputy Sheriff Danny Oliver, 47, and Placer County Detective Michael Davis, 42, were shot dead by a Mexican illegal alien, who had been deported twice before.

Thirty-four-year old Luis Monroy-Bracamonte is currently being held without bail in Sacramento, and will be likely charged with two counts of murder.

His wife Janelle is also being held.

Apparently the two tried to carjack a Ford pickup, and led police on a 30-mile dragnet.

Detective Davis died 26 years to the day after his father, a Riverside, California deputy, was shot to death in the line of duty.  Detective Davis leaves behind four children.

Now the federal government is not enforcing immigration law; we all know that.

It is a felony to return to the USA after being deported, but Bracamonte served no prison time for that.

Instead, he was able to amass a number of traffic violations after being deported twice, and nobody bothered him.

Please explain to me members of Congress why you -- each and every one of you -- have not joined together and demanded the president enforce immigration law.  You are the lawmakers and you are being insulted.

So, now we have two more dead police officers along with thousands of other Americans who have been harmed by criminal aliens, mostly men who were deported and came back because they knew they could.

This is a national disgrace.

The security of every single American citizen is compromised because the federal government will not enforce immigration law, secure the borders, and make sure Americans have as much protection as they can have.

There is no excuse any longer, and I'm speaking to you, President Obama.

You are the leader of this country, you must start telling federal agencies to enforce the law.  You must.

And finally, the hatchet Muslim guy in New York City.

Thirty-two-year-old Zale Thompson attacked four police officers on Thursday.

We now know he was a, quote, “self-radicalized Muslim convert” who had a beef against the cops.

Zale joins Alton Nolen in Oklahoma City, a Muslim who beheaded a co-worker, and Nidal Hasan in Fort Hood, who murdered 13 Americans working on that Army base.

All three men … Muslim extremists:

CANDY CROWLEY, CNN ANCHOR: “We see a hatchet attack, of all things, on police officers in Queens. Both men seemed to have some affinity for, inspired by somehow violent jihad. You add in a woman in Moore, Oklahoma, who was beheaded by a disgruntled worker who had recently ‘converted to Islam.’ You have the attacks in Fort Hood.  You have the Boston Marathon bombers who, you know, went online and seemed somewhat inspired by violent jihad.  Is this one big problem or is it separate problems?”

SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D-CA): “I think it's one big problem.  I think one of the problems is that the internet as well as certain specific Muslim extremists are really firing up this lone-wolf phenomenon, and these attacks and the multiplicity of attacks in 2014 show that their propaganda is having some effect.”

Now, this one is not in President Obama's court.

No leader can stop crazy people from killing innocent people.

However, the New York City Police Department used to investigate radical Muslim mosques trying to find out who the crazy people are.

But under uber-liberal Mayor Bill de Blasio, that surveillance has been curtailed.

That puts us all in danger.  Every American police department should be surveilling radical mosques.  That's not a violation of the Constitution.  That is upholding it.

The American people need protection.

So you can see that ISIS, Ebola, criminal illegal aliens, and crazy Muslim fanatics are all a danger to our security.

And those we elect to protect us are not doing the job.

And that's the memo.


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