Looking Back at 1980
By: Bill O'ReillySeptember 5, 2024
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The election of 1980 is similar to this year's presidential slugfest.  Jimmy Carter was a disaster for four years as the economy slipped and our enemies overseas ran wild.

Carter could not get the American hostages released in Iran, and the press actually mocked his weakness. Nevertheless, the Democratic Party cranked up the propaganda, saying ol' Jimmy was doing great and his opponent, Ronald Reagan, was a Hollywood dunderhead.

The voters knew Carter was awful and Reagan won easily.  But what a difference 44 years makes.

In America today, many folks literally live in a fantasy world centered around their devices. Cyber-space is their reality; the world itself is not really relevant.

Add to that an almost total disinterest in history and fact finding and you have an environment where millions of voters cast ballots in absolute intellectual darkness.

They believe what they want to believe even if they vote against their own self-interest.

Vice-President Harris has not proven herself in any area.  She's a machine politician who will do as she's told by her progressive "handlers."  She's not confident discussing complex issues and may not even understand them.  We don't know what she knows because she is kept away from questioning.

Yet millions of voters are okay with that. Perplexing.  Dangerous.

Will the people wake up?  We'll know in two months.

See you later for the No Spin News.

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