Liberal Arrogance
By: Bill O'ReillyFebruary 6, 2025
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An activist named Mike Freeman has leaped out in front of the "dumbest statement of the year" sweepstakes. Writing in the Trump-hating USA Today newspaper, Freeman opines that President Trump should not attend the big game on Sunday because he "stands for the opposite of everything we love about the Super Bowl."
First of all, who are "we"? There will be more than 100 million people watching the game, and I believe that will be a pretty diverse crowd. What exactly is the blanket objection, Mike? Will the masses rise up at the Super Bowl in protest of the President?  Doubt it.
In fact, he's more than likely to get heavy applause.  It's Louisiana, Mike. Red state. Lots of conservative "we's."
But those folks don't really exist in the bubble world for which Freeman writes. No, despite Trump receiving almost 80 million votes in November, the supercilious left totally ignores the data.  The lefties simply cannot fathom life outside the woke zone. To them, it's all an illusion because everyone they know despises Trump.
That's why USA Today will soon be out of business.  Embracing liberal arrogance is not the pathway to economic success. For me, the anti-Trump brigades are absolutely real and entitled to wallow in political derangement.  It's their birthright as Americans, and so is being moronic.  
Mr. Freeman's Trump/Super Bowl analysis falls under that banner.  And USA Today is deliriously happy to wave it.
See you this evening for the No Spin News.

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