Latinos Flee the Democratic Party
By: Bill O'ReillyOctober 23, 2024
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Bill gives two reasons for the seismic shift in voting patterns among Latino voters.


O'REILLY: Why are Latinos turning against the Democratic Party? There are two reasons. First one is money in your wallet. And every American knows that they were better under Donald Trump economically than they are now. That's indisputable. You had more cash. The second thing is cultural. And I'm generalizing, of course, but the Hispanic culture and I know it well. I mean, I spent a lot of time south of the border, from Tijuana all the way down to Buenos Aires. I mean, I know the area. Spanish culture is much more conservative than the San Francisco values that Kamala Harris represents. I mean, much more. Okay. And not a lot of trans activity being promoted in Latino countries, with the exception of Brazil, which really is you know, that's a whole different thing. Brazil. But Latinos tend to be Roman Catholic. They're much more observant Catholics than Anglos. And the culture is more conservative. Don't think they like this radical stuff, the progressives who bring it on. So it's economic and it's cultural. 

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