Kamala Harris' Problem With Catholics
By: Bill O'ReillySeptember 27, 2024
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Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan, a Catholic and former speechwriter for Ronald Reagan, is scolding Vice President Harris for refusing to attend the Al Smith dinner in New York City, the biggest Catholic fundraiser of the year.

Mr. Smith was the first Catholic to run for president and got waxed by republican Herbert Hoover in 1928.  As we document in "Confronting the Presidents", Hoover's campaign put forth that if Smith were elected, the Pope would run the USA.

My take is that Kamala Harris is wise to avoid the Catholics.  She is ardently pro-abortion, somehow elevating it to a noble posture.  Of course, Roman Catholicism condemns the procedure, so Ms. Harris is not a virtuous person according to that theology.

It's almost like a politician selling BLT sandwiches in front of a Mosque.

So, the downside for Kamala attending the dinner would be substantial as her opponent, Donald Trump, will be there giving some remarks.

Do you think he might mention abortion and Kamala in the same sentence?

Uh, I believe that would be a possibility.

Therefore, the Vice President will be otherwise occupied.  God only knows.

"Confronting the Presidents" number one this Sunday on the New York Times list. Hope you check it out.