Joe Biden and Iran
By: Bill O'ReillyDecember 17, 2024
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In a largely unreported story, the Biden administration unfroze another $10 billion dollars so the Mullahs in Iran could have a nice Christmas.  Of course, the fundamental Islamists don't believe in Christmas, and if you do, you're an infidel.

That makes around $100 billion that Joe Biden has allowed to flow into Tehran. That money was frozen in banks around the world after Iran refused to stop exporting terrorism.  They still lead the league in that death sport, but Joe doesn't seem to mind very much.   What's next, pardoning the terror killers?

Sorry, I mentioned it.

The Biden administration says all that cash will be used for "humanitarian" concerns. Sure. Don't know about you, but when I hear the word Iran, I immediately think of a benevolent government aiding those in need, and the country's nuke program is simply to provide clean energy.  Right, Joe?

Joe?  Helloooo.  

Like the open border, there is no rational reason to help the crazed Mullahs amass billions.  It will become blood money.

Somebody gently awaken President Biden and tell him.

See you this evening for the No Spin News.

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