Vice President Vance is off to a fast start. He's no-nonsense, and so far, his points are well-stated.
When President Trump pardoned all of the January 6 convicts, Vance was not completely on board with letting the violent guys off. He said that before the blanket pardons were announced. But a Vice President has to back the boss. Has to, or chaos descends. That's the most difficult part of the VP experience, as Mike Pence vividly found out.
Over in Europe last week, Vance was the voice of doom. He kept it simple and direct: NATO countries must pay more for their collective defense and stop freeloading off America.
You may remember President Obama said the same thing but never followed up. Trump will. Vance set the table and also scolded Europe for trying to crush dissent.
So, a good first month for J.D. looks like a strong asset for the President. But there are miles to go before he sleeps.
See you this evening for the No Spin News.