California's Failed Leadership
By: Bill O'ReillyJanuary 16, 2025
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Let's delve into a simple man's analysis of the shocking fires in Southern California. In 2018, then-President Trump scotched the fire-plagued state, saying it was a "mess" and the leadership in Sacramento was ignoring giant fire warning signs.
So, how did Governor Newsom and the legislature react? They ignored Trump.
Did the Golden State build water storage plants? No.
Did the Governor lead an effort to clean up forest brush? Nope.
How about expanding firefighting capabilities, especially in Southern California? Did that happen?  No, it did not. In fact, Los Angeles cut its fire budget but expanded payments to the homeless with no drug testing or any oversight whatsoever.
The harsh truth is that California authorities failed to protect residents from an obvious fire danger.  Instead, the state spent billions on wasteful green programs that were largely theoretical.
Yet, if Gavin Newsom were able to run again, which he cannot, there's a good chance leftwing California voters would return him to office.
The question then becomes kind of difficult. Should American taxpayers rebuild California via federal relief funds? The voters obviously elected incompetent people and, it is likely, will continue to do so because millions are blinded by ideological nonsense.  Should the rest of us pay for that?
The logical answer is no. The humanitarian answer is yes. Without federal help, thousands of Californians will never recover.
So, the money will pour in. But don't expect lessons to be learned.
See you for the No Spin News tonight.

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