An Anti-Christian Display
By: Bill O'ReillyJuly 29, 2024
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The U.S. Olympic men's basketball team looks like a lock for the gold medal.  I was glad to see the players are being respectful to their country.  I'm a bit worried about head coach Steve Kerr, who has a history of inflammatory political statements.  But so far no controversy.

That's not the case with the dopey French Olympic authorities who allowed a blatantly anti-Christian display at the opening ceremony.  Some "alternative lifestyle" people posed as Last Supper attendees mocking Jesus and the New Testament.

It goes without saying these clowns would never have insulted Islam in that way or even Judaism, which they likely despise as well.

The explanation from organizers is that the display was an homage to "inclusion."


The reason these pagans get away with this kind of stuff is lack of outrage by many Christian leaders.  Initially, only Bishop Robert Barron surfaced with condemnation. Where is clerical guidance on attacks like this?

In the Jewish and Muslim precincts, there is an active, organized response to the diminishment of those religions.  Not so much on the Christian side.  Why not?

The Nazarene, who angrily confronted defilers of the Temple, might not be pleased.

More tonight on the No Spin News.

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