America is a Divided Country
By: Bill O'ReillyMay 20, 2019
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America is a divided country and that makes it weaker.  Totalitarian regimes like China, Iran and North Korea understand our situation and try to exploit the divisions for their own gain.
The fracture is not just political.  Yes, President Trump is a polarizing leader but, with two very different parties, the USA has always had political strife.
However, today, many citizens see their country in completely different ways.  The progressive left fundamentally believes the USA is flawed and needs major changes.  The far left sees an unfair system where white men generally victimize everyone else.  From “Me Too” to “Black Lives Matter” to the ACLU, the prevailing wisdom is that the current political and economic systems must be torn down.
On the other side, traditional Americans abhor the “victimization” philosophy and believe America is basically a noble country.  This powerful group put Donald Trump in the White House and is sick of “grievance” politics.  
Of course, no country is perfect but backing things like abortion on demand paid by tax dollars, open borders, and socialism is anathema to traditional folks.
At this point in history, the two sides are dug in with the media heavily favoring the progressives.
The presidential election of 2020 may be the most bitter in history.  Divisions are likely to get even wider and Donald Trump will use those chasms to rev up his supporters.  Get ready for conflict.  Let’s pray it does not turn physical.
Tonight on the No Spin News, some students at an Indiana college insulted Vice President Pence.  We’ll tell you what really happened.
See you beginning at 7 eastern.