The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Domestic Terrorism and the Presidential Election
"Two Muslim men launched terror attacks over the weekend. Ahmad Rahami, a U.S. citizen who emigrated from Afghanistan, allegedly set off a bomb that injured 29 people in Manhattan. He was captured earlier today. And Dahir Adan, of Somali descent, stabbed nine innocent folks in a Minnesota shopping mall before being shot dead. No one can stop these attacks by disturbed individuals who are badly damaging the Islamic faith. Young Muslim men are now looked upon with suspicion all over the world and the crazy terrorists are the reason why. But even though individual mayhem is a fact of life, the Western world is far too lenient on ISIS and other terror groups. We should have devastated them a long time ago, not allowed them to hold territory and export mayhem. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump responded to the latest terror attacks today, both believing the other is incompetent on the terror issue. Secretary Clinton's anti-terror posture is pretty much the same as what President Obama has put into place. Mr. Trump is far more aggressive - at least his words are - in limiting the USA's exposure to Muslims abroad and punishing groups like ISIS. On the terror issue Trump has the advantage as most Americans are pretty much fed up with the jihad and want to see a more aggressive policy to defeat it. Trump also has emotion on his side as the president and Mrs. Clinton continue to downplay the Muslim angle. Trump has a major opportunity on the issue if he lays out plans that are specific and not harmful to innocent folks. Migrants and peaceful Muslims are not the problem, jihadists are. The next president will have to set up the terror target and then punch it out. Anger is growing."
The Factor welcomed Mr. Trump, who elaborated on the terror threat from ISIS followers. "These people are feeling emboldened," he warned, "and a lot of young people are looking up to ISIS because ISIS continues to taunt the United States. They are now in 28 countries and that is disgraceful. You have to bring them down and you have to bring them down fast! It looks like they are beating the United States and it's going to get worse, what has Hillary Clinton been doing for the last thirty years?" Trump also insisted that the USA should engage in more profiling. "We have no choice. Israel does it and they do it well - when they see someone they would like to talk to, they do it. If we see someone who could be a problem, you talk to them and find out what's going on."
Trump on Preparing for the Debate
Returning for another segment, Donald Trump turned to next Monday's much-anticipated debate. "If Hillary Clinton treats me with respect," he pledged, "I will treat her with respect. I went to the best school, I was a great student, she can bait me, I can bait her, and we'll see what happens. I can talk about her deleted emails, I can talk about her record, so we'll go back and forth. She's got a lot of baggage, she's been there a long time, and we need change in this country." Trump complained that the moderators at the first two debates - NBC's Lester Holt, ABC's Martha Raddatz, and CNN's Anderson Cooper - may not be impartial referees. "They're all Democrats, it's a very unfair system. I'm not okay with Anderson Cooper, who treats me very unfairly on CNN, which is known as the Clinton News Network." The Factor confidently predicted, "The first debate will be the most watched debate in the history of our country."
Can Trump Maintain Momentum?
Donald Trump has been gaining in the polls and the race is now considered a dead heat. Analysts Mary Anne Marsh and Lisa Boothe scrutinized the impact of terror in the race. "The most controversial thing Donald Trump has said lately," Marsh stated, "is about racial profiling regarding terrorism. Yes, Israel does it at the airports, but that hasn't stopped terrorism. Donald Trump talks about this in a way that is opposed to this country's values. You don't go after an entire religion because that plays into their hands." But Boothe countered that Democrats are generally soft on terror. "American people see President Obama and Hillary Clinton as weak when it comes to taking the fight to ISIS. The Obama administration is so incompetent that today we found out that we have mistakenly granted citizenship to more than 800 people. Yet President Obama and Hillary Clinton want to increase the number of Syrian refugees!"
Krauthammer on U.S. Terror Attacks
The Factor asked Charles Krauthammer to opine on President Obama's fight against ISIS strategies. "There is no question," Dr. K began, "that when Obama came into office Al Qaeda in Iraq had been defeated and humiliated. But he evacuated Iraq and left no Americans behind. And then, when Al Qaeda in Iraq reconstituted itself, Obama completely underestimated them. Finally, Obama sort of woke up and began to develop a strategy to weaken ISIS. That has had some success, which makes it more difficult for them to recruit, but there is still no doubt that there are people around the world who are willing to join the jihad."
Islam, Terror, and the PC Police
Author and social observer Mark Steyn, just back from an extended visit to Europe, put forth his frank take on terrorism. "There is a crude arithmetic," he submitted, "which is the more Muslims you have, the more terrorism you have. France, Belgium, and Germany have very high Muslim populations and they have a lot of terrorism. The question for Europe and for the United States is whether you can contain this merely through a big security state. There are soldiers everywhere in France now; I was on the beach in St. Tropez where the police were patrolling among the topless women." Steyn also denounced the growing influence of political correctness. "We are turning into one vast college campus where there is a correct view and alternative views are not permitted. I like to disagree with people, but the left increasingly says they don't want to win the argument, they want to cancel the argument!" The Factor agreed, saying, "You're right, we are living in a totalitarian social environment right now."
Watters' World: The Little Italy Edition
Jesse Watters stopped by at the annual Feast of San Gennaro in New York's Little Italy. Here is what a few of the Italian feasters had to say: "We're having fried calamari, waiting for some manicotti" ... "We talk with our hands because we need to express ourselves" ... "We speak proper broken English in this booth." After sampling Italian delicacies at various food stands, Watters announced his intention to move to Italy, even though 'Il Mondo de Watters' doesn't have quite the same alliterative appeal.
Viewers Sound Off
Brian Tynes, Montgomery, AL: "O'Reilly, you conveniently left out where Donald Trump falsely blamed Hillary Clinton for starting the birther issue."
Jack Bayer, Queen Creek, AZ: "Bill, I am disappointed that you haven't called out Colin Powell on his derogatory remarks about Trump."
Nick Gilgor, Sharon, PA: "So Jesse Morton, the reformed jihadist, is now a patriot and teaching college students? How do you say BS in Arabic?"
Peter Glowaski, Granada Hills, CA: "I do not agree with what Colin Kaepernick is doing but defend his right to protest. He must be aware there are consequences."
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Because reputations can be destroyed in a heartbeat today, take your time evaluating folks before you trust them with your thoughts and opinions.