The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
The Factor Rundown
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Anarchy in America
"We are a nation of laws no longer. We saw that Wednesday in the Senate as 44 Democrats and one Republican voted against defunding sanctuary cities as well as punishing illegal alien felons who defy deportation. 45 senators failed to uphold federal law, violating their oath of office. Where is the outrage? And in San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors directly insulted the family of Kate Steinle, the young woman who was murdered by an illegal alien felon. The supervisors voted to retain their sanctuary city policy and not cooperate with federal authorities when asked to detain criminals. Supervisor Malia Cohen said this: 'We cannot allow one event to dictate 25 years of our city's policies ... I'm not afraid of Fox News and they don't influence how I make my policy decisions.' That woman is a disgrace and if I were the attorney general of the United States, I would place her immediately under arrest. I may not win the case, but I would send a message to subversive office holders that if you don't obey federal law, you will be prosecuted. Our elected officials in Washington and places like San Francisco are actively undermining the rule of law in this country. What kind of message does it send when the Senate condones a city like San Francisco releasing a seven-time foreign felon who then kills an innocent woman? As for San Francisco, it's hopeless, a free fire zone of anti-establishment behavior. As Talking Points stated yesterday, there comes a point when the American have to rise up and elect responsible people. Because right now things are officially out of control."

The Factor invited reaction from Republican Senator and presidential contender Ted Cruz. "I am the author of Kate's Law in the Senate," Cruz said, "and I have been pressing for a vote on it as a stand alone. I have asked Senate Democrats to look the Steinle family in the eyes and explain why they are choosing to stand with convicted felons like the murderer of Kate Steinle." The Factor predicted that a vote on Kate's Law is still a possibility, saying, "I think Mitch McConnell will finally put this up for a stand alone vote and we urge all Americans to call his office." Turning to another subject, Senator Cruz uncharacteristically refused to take a stand on the possibility of Paul Ryan being the next Speaker of the House. "I'm staying out of it," he declared, adding, "that's a question for House Republicans."
Kate Steinle's Parents Express Their Disgust
Jim Steinle and Liz Sullivan, father and mother of Kate Steinle, entered the No Spin Zone with their reaction to the recent events in Washington and San Francisco. "It's depressing and aggravating," Jim Steinle lamented, "but when we were in Washington I didn't get the feeling that Kate's Law would be passed. That's the government we have." Kate Steinle's mom also expressed great disappointment. "It's very frustrating to see how Washington doesn't work. It's business as usual and something needs to change." The Factor urged the family to keep hope, vowing, "We will not give up this fight."
Guests:Jim Steinle & Liz Sullivan
In San Francisco yesterday, the board of supervisors insulted the family of Kate Steinle by voting to retain their sanctuary city policy and not cooperate with federal authorities when it's time to detain criminals. Tonight we'll ask Kate's parents for their reaction to this troubling news.
Biden Takes a Pass
Vice President Joe Biden has decided against running for the Democratic presidential nomination, which is very good news for Hillary Clinton. Fox News correspondent Ed Henry elaborated on the situation. "It is a big day for Hillary Clinton," he reported, "because she is all but clearing the field, she only has to take care of Bernie Sanders. In terms of inside stuff, Joe Biden told a prominent Democrat that he has no plans to endorse Hillary Clinton any time soon. He's not planning to get behind her and he took another shot at her today. That suggests that they're not going to patch things up quickly." Nevertheless, The Factor predicted that "Biden will support Hillary Clinton and will even campaign for her."
Irresponsible Parents and Childhood Poverty
The Factor has opined that American children are going hungry only if their parents are abusive or dysfunctional. Attorney Nikki Johnston-Huston, who was temporarily homeless as a child, begged to differ. "You overestimate the availability of government services," she averred, "and poor people's ability to access them. Also, you made the point that children being hungry is totally the parents' fault and a form of child abuse. I thought your characterization of the poor was unfair and not nuanced enough. As a society, we have said our children will not go hungry and we have put an apparatus in place. It is not working the way you think it is, and calling parents names does not move the conversation forward." But The Factor maintained that some parents are simply unfit for that responsibility: "A mother or father who is addicted to a substance and allows their child to go hungry is abusing the child. It is not the system's or the country's fault that irresponsible people have children and can not feed or raise them."
Miller Mocks 'Wealth Therapy'
Dennis Miller opined on something called 'wealth therapy,' which helps rich people get over their guilt for being prosperous. "You've got to buck up and soldier on," he advised the ultra-wealthy. "Put one Salvatore Ferragamo python-skinned loafer in front of the other and just keep moving forward. I was in therapy once because I was broke, but now that I have a few bucks I hire a kid to go to therapy for me. I got him from a company called 'Rent-a-Kvetch', and each week I give him a list of things to whine about." Miller also suggested the ideal Halloween costume for an urchin living in Vermont. "I'd go as Bernie Sanders. Send one kid out there and call him the one-percenter. Have 99 other kids not trick-or-treat and then have the one-percent kid split up all his candy with the others."
'Black Lives Matter' Again Sows Chaos
Some radicals from the 'Black Lives Matter' group hijacked a town meeting convened by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and then even attacked his car. The Factor asked Martha MacCallum for details. "No one was arrested," she reported, "and the real tragedy is that there were so many people who wanted to talk about a safe community and jobs. It was a totally chaotic situation, some people banged on the hood of the mayor's car, and no one accomplished a single thing." The Factor concluded, "This is anarchy, the 'Black Lives Matter' crew has alienated clear-thinking Americans because they are encouraging violence."
Viewers Sound Off
Factor Words of the Day
Dana Hoffman, St. Petersburg, FL: "Bill, you really think Kate's Law was blocked because it was paired to sanctuary cities? You are naive. Democrats would have filibustered Kate's Law as well."

Dick Murray, Weston, MA: "Bill, I have never emailed before, but I am really angry. What the hell happened to doing what's best for America?"

James Isaacson, San Diego, CA: "Richard Branson is nuts. How much benefit is there to society to allow hard drugs to be sold and consumed legally?"
E-Shoppers Fight Back!
Lots of viewers took umbrage at Tuesday's tip, which warned of the pitfalls of online shopping. Shop via the Internet if you wish, but remember that some traditionalists like to actually go into a store and touch the merchandise.