The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Presidential debate Highs and Lows
"Last night President Obama helped his cause, but he did not damage Mitt Romney, who held his own. Because Mr. Obama was on the ropes after debate #1, he gained the most from last night's exposition. Governor Romney's best moment was when he delineated President Obama's record; the President's best moment came at the end of the debate when he brought up Mitt Romney's 47% comment. On the negative side, Governor Romney had a weak moment when he hectored the President over his energy policy. He did not look presidential; he looked like a cable news analyst. The President looked bad trying to answer Romney's question about why gas prices have more than doubled on his watch and when he avoided a question about embassy security in Libya. With all due respect, the President dodged a very important question about who pulled two security teams out of Libya in August. When moderator Candy Crowley sided with the President about when the attack in Libya was called terrorism, she totally blew it. She helped the President when she should have stayed neutral; the President did not specifically call the murder of the American ambassador in Libya a terrorist attack. Summing up, President Obama regained some momentum, but did not diminish his opponent. With the third debate looming Monday night, anything can happen in this very intense race."
Was there a winner in last night's debate?
Guests: Laura Ingraham

The Factor asked Fox News analyst Laura Ingraham to evaluate Tuesday night's debate. "No doubt Romney missed some opportunities," Ingraham began, "and it might have been good for him to make some references to the President's comments on Libya. Nevertheless, the issues that America is really hungering for leadership on are the deficit, taxes, jobs, and the economy. And whether it's the CNN poll or the CBS poll, on those metrics Obama is in big trouble. Romney wins and he wins handily on how people view him in handling the economy." Ingraham advised Romney to incorporate a particular word whenever he speaks about the last four years. "The word 'failure' is so powerful, when he says, 'Your record, Mr. President, is one of failure.' That kind of language would be helpful to him."
Will voters who supported President Obama in 2008 vote for him again this year?
Guests: Bob Beckel

For a Democratic view, The Factor welcomed liberal Fox News analyst Bob Beckel. Beckel immediately took issue with a post-debate focus group conducted for Fox News by pollster Frank Luntz. "That's not the way you do a focus group," Beckel said, "and it doesn't rise to the standard of your show. Someone doing a focus group does not stand in front of people and be a cheerleader. I think Luntz is a Republican and I'd be suspicious about how these people were chosen." As for the debate itself, Beckel called it a victory for President Obama. "Mitt Romney didn't come up with an overarching way of how he'll deal with our problems. He was asked a question about his tax plan and he ducked it. Replacing an incumbent president is a big deal for people and in Mitt Romney's case this is a guy no one has a firm grip on." The Factor countered that Governor Romney did a good job delineating President Obama's economic failures: "You have 50 million people watching the debate and they get impressions. The impression Mitt Romney wants to give is that President Obama is a failure economically and the way he did it was effective."
How will the second debate impact the polls?
Guests: Thomas Friedman

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman entered the No Spin Zone with his assessment of the debate. "All these debates come down to one question," Friedman declared. "I think people are still looking for who has a plan to get us out of this mess. The candidate who can use the last debate to drive that issue home is the one who will have the best chance of becoming the next president." Friedman outlined how President Obama can make his best case. "He can talk about things like 'Race to the Top,' which has had a phenomenal impact on education reform, the foundation of jobs. He can talk about his mileage initiative, which is going to drive massive innovation in the auto industry. People are looking for a sense of conviction and a sense that you're excited about your ideas." The Factor reminded Friedman that Mitt Romney has one very powerful argument: "The economy is growing at a slower rate now than it was in 2011. It's not getting better, it's getting worse, and that's indisputable."
Miller hits the campaign trail with Romney
Guests: Dennis Miller

Dennis Miller, who has been stumping with Mitt Romney on the campaign trail this week, took time out from his travels to check in with The Factor. "In a world where the word 'great' is thrown around so capriciously," Miller said, "Mitt Romney is a good man. He's a straight shooter and I'm a square, so I dig cats who are square. When he says that 87% of the Massachusetts state legislature was Democratic and he worked hand-in-glove with them to yield the best school system, that's manna from heaven for moderates. People are so sick of the incessant battles." Miller also reacted to a new poll showing that a plurality of parents would prefer Barack Obama over Mitt Romney when choosing a baby sitter. "That reflects the fact that Obama has done such a good job over the past few years of instituting a 'nanny state,' they think that translates to babysitting."
O'Reilly and Katie Couric discuss the debate
Guests: Juliet Huddy

Fox News correspondent Juliet Huddy watched footage of Bill being interviewed by Katie Couric on the former Today Show host's eponymous talk show. "You looked lovely," Huddy gushed, "and I liked the chemistry between the two of you. You started talking about the debate and how the candidates may have turned women off. The debate was anxiety-producing, I was stressed out watching the two of them." Huddy also viewed tape of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie explaining to an interviewer why he hasn't appeared on The Factor. As the Governor pithily put it, "Because I don't want to ... I don't choose to go on that show." Huddy was obviously disappointed in her governor. "I loved him," she declared, pointedly using the past tense. "You have defended him and I have no idea why he would be this way. He will lose my vote if he doesn't come on the show." The Factor theorized that Governor Christie has some unknown personal reason for shunning the program. "I've never met him, I've never talked with him, and I don't even make fun of him. I think someone in his organization loathes me, there is definitely an edge there."
A novel way to learn
Author Nelson DeMille has a new thriller out called "The Panther," which includes a lot of inside stuff on terrorists. You always learn something when reading fiction by DeMille.
Book Mentions
Check out the books mentioned during this show.
The Panther
by Nelson DeMille

Viewers sound off
Factor Words of the Day
Peter Kwasnik, Oreana, IL: "Mr. O, please extend an invitation to Candy Crowley to visit the Factor to explain what she was doing out there."

Glen Mead, Central Philippines: "From my perspective over here, the president remains a theoretical guy, while Romney comes across as a fixer."

Carol Spillane, Sydney, Australia: "Most of our media here slavishly repeats the rubbish spouted by the American left wing press."

Walt Herleth, County Laois, Ireland: "Press ranges from moderate to rabid Obama fans here."