Many of you sent emails about the media coverage of President Bush. Some excerpts:
Mark Goss, Port St. Lucie, FL: "Bill, I applaud your reporting of the 'hate Bush' media. I hope you get some support."
Bob Popovich, Reading, PA: "Bill, you back Bush in everything he does, and then want to investigate the media that do not. Who died and left you boss?"
Chuck Chaffin, Virginia: "O'Reilly, Fox hates Bush too. It aired some of the most biased coverage of the Bush administration I have ever seen over the holidays."
Eric Rice, Beardstown, IL: "The New York Times is doing a fine job of reporting facts that you won't report, O'Reilly."
John VanCott, Pittsburgh, PA: "Bill, you are completely off track. How about getting Democrat leaders on the Factor instead of just Republicans."