Some of your e mails dealt with the illegal alien who was driving a bus that exploded in Texas, killing 23 elderly people. Some excerpts:
Alan de Verteuil, Trinidad & Tobago: "It is insane to charge the illegal immigrant bus driver with the deaths of those senior citizens in Dallas. The bus company is obviously responsible."
Sheryl Rogers, Olmito, TX: "Bill, I was happy you had sympathy for the bus driver. The company was cited before and did nothing. That happens down here all the time."
D. Birch, Monterey, CA: "O'Reilly, why feel sorry for the bus driver? What about personal responsibility? The guy never should have been in this country or driving a bus here. He should be prosecuted."
Other viewers wrote about the war on Christmas by the ACLU and like-minded groups.
Jerry Green, Dubuque, IA: "Okay, Bill, here we go again with Christmas under siege. Find me one person not allowed to celebrate Christmas on private property."
Brenda Jansen, Beaverton, OR: "I am an American Muslim who agrees that the assault on Christmas is wrong. It is out of control."