Some of you sent e-mails about Virginia Muslim leader Ali al-Timimi, who was sentenced to life for soliciting treason and other charges. Some excerpts:
Mitch Tyree, Newport News, VA: "Bill, I am a fan of your tough stance on terrorism and controlling the borders. So I am at a total loss at why you would question the life sentence given to al-Timimi in Virginia."
Joe Harris, Midland City, AL: "Bill, I agree the man should not be given life. He should be given death!"
Others e-mails dealt with Senator Rick Santorum, who wrote that the priest pedophilia scandals and Boston liberalism were related.
Virginia McHenry, Kansas City, MO: "I think Senator Santorum judged Boston unfairly but his comments about liberalism affecting priests has some merit."
Paul Correll, Clearwater, FL: "The proof that Santorum is right is in the voting booth. The people of Boston keep electing the likes of Kennedy and Kerry."