The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Friday, April 15, 2005
The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo
Top Story
Personal Story Segment
Impact Segment
Unresolved Problems Segment
Factor Follow Up Segment
Back of Book Segment
Factor Mail
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Death and taxes
"The House has passed a law that would repeal the death tax, but the Senate might once again vote to keep that un-American tax in place. Predictably, the New York Times lead editorial today was headlined 'Long Live the Estate Tax.' The liberals love the fact that the federal government can take half of your stuff when you die if you are wealthy. Now, since the death tax kicks in at $3 million, most Americans don't have to deal with it, which is why this example of socialism is allowed in this country. Most of us simply ignore this gross violation of our private property rights. The left hides behind the deficit to argue for the death tax, but if liberals really cared about the deficit they'd demand a flat tax for corporations and individuals that would close all loopholes and stimulate the economy. But that's not what the left really wants. It wants income redistribution, that is taking assets from the affluent and giving it to those less well off. Somewhere Karl Marx is glowing. It is time for Americans to decide just what kind of country we want. We should vote on the death tax, let's have a referendum on capitalism. Next time these closet socialists scream about taxing the rich, point out that all Americans should be treated equally. If you want to live in Havana, go there."

Getting Florida under control
Guest: Florida prosecutor Harry Shorstein

13-year old Sarah Lunde is still missing in Florida and police are questioning 36-year old prior sex offender David Onstott. This is only the latest in a series of Florida horror stories involving little girls and sexual predators. Florida prosecutor Harry Shorstein said the problems are not statewide. "I can tell you that our county aggressively prosecutes sex offender crimes. The sexual offender laws we have in Florida are sufficient, but the laws are only as good as those who administer those laws." But The Factor again argued that Florida seems to be in chaos. "The judicial system in Florida has broken down. They're continuing to recycle bad people back into society. How many more little girls in Florida are going to have to die because the judges don't take these predators seriously?"
Jessica Lunsford follow-up
Guests: Mark Lunsford & attorney Herb Cohen

Florida was the scene of another high profile tragedy when 9-year old Jessica Lunsford was brutalized and murdered by sex offender John Couey. State Attorney Brad King is now debating whether or not to charge three adults who lived with Couey and protected him by lying to police. Jessica's father Mark Lunsford spoke to The Factor by telephone. "Brad King has explained things to me in detail. I wish we could charge them, but I don't want to just charge them and let them walk away. I want to charge them with something and convict them. I want them to be miserable." Mark Lunsford's attorney Herb Cohen said he and his client will continue their quest for justice. "I am going to pursue this. I believe these three individuals should be charged as principals in first degree murder. We will do whatever we can to go after these people and make them pay."
Releasing illegal aliens
Guest: Ruben Garcia, Republican National Hispanic Assembly of San Diego

More than one million illegal aliens have been released into American society, among them 80,000 convicted criminals. Those stunning numbers recently emerged in a Senate hearing. Ruben Garcia of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly said most Hispanics are appalled by the statistics. "We have taken surveys and 92% of our constituency wants to see a safe and secure border. The majority of the Hispanic community is centrist. We're not far off to the left, we're not far off to the right." Garcia also commended the Minutemen, the group that has been patrolling the Mexican border. "There's a shining example of what can be done by law abiding citizens. They are not vigilantes. They went out and helped the authorities to maintain the area and shut down illegal immigration."
Michael Jackson trial
Guest: Crime reporter Aphrodite Jones

Crime reporter Aphrodite Jones joined The Factor with one of her occasional updates on the Michael Jackson trial. Jones reported on the continuing bizarre testimony by the mother of Jackson's accuser. "In the history of trial law," Jones told The Factor, "I have never seen such a crazy witness. She is manic, she is tearful when it's not appropriate, and she's taking over the courtroom. The prosecution can't control her and the defense can't control her." Jones suggested that the mother's erratic behavior may benefit the defense. "I think it's possible that she's helping Michael Jackson. I think if it was decided tomorrow he would not be convicted."
Corporations rewarding bad behavior
Guests: Dennis Kneale, Forbes Magazine & author Debra Dickerson

Reebok is featuring notorious rapper 50 Cent in a new ad campaign that arguably glorifies violence. The ad has been pulled off the air in Great Britain and a group of British mothers has called for a national boycott of Reebok. Black author Debra Dickerson expressed her outrage at the campaign and gangsta rap in general. "Has there ever been a group of people in the history of the world who depicted themselves this way. I don't understand how anyone can support this kind of thing. We're telling the world we're dangerous, violent people." Dennis Kneale of Forbes Magazine defended Reebok's advertising. "50 Cent is a character, and he's just singing. He's not killing or robbing anybody. It's 50 Cent's right to sing what he wants and it's Reebok's right to hire him. If we as consumers don't like it, don't buy the shoes." The Factor countered that campaigns like this are especially harmful to society's most vulnerable kids. "The tragedy of this is that the unsupervised children are the ones who are deeply affected by this. I wouldn't buy a sneaker from Reebok if I had to go barefoot over hot coals. "
Liz Smith
Guest: Gossip columnist Liz Smith

Veteran gossip columnist Liz Smith, who has written a book called "Dishing," talked with The Factor about her profession. She contended that many of her colleagues have crossed the line into slander. "The Internet created a situation where people can write absolutely anything about anybody and there are no brakes on them because they don't have publishers worried about libel." Smith also commented on the political scene, expressing her concern about the ascendancy of conservative Christians. "I'm very annoyed by the influence of the religious right. I was raised in the Southern Baptist tradition, but I don't like the melding of church and state."
Viewers sound off
Factor Words of the Day
Many of you continue to write about the chaos in Florida, where prior sex offenders have committed a series of grisly crimes. Some excerpts:

Jim Novick, Boynton Beach FL: "Bill, sure appreciate your taking to task Florida authorities who will not protect children."

Brigida Flores, Miami FL: "O'Reilly, your egocentric behavior insults us and takes away the importance of children's issues."

Jim MacAvoy, Coral Gables FL: "Bill, we are growing weary of your Florida bashing regarding abused children. Three other states have worse problems but we don't see you bashing them."

Fred Robson, Shelton CT: "Mr. O, bravo for going after Governor Bush and the others. I think martial law may be the way to go."

Ken Hodge, Franklin NC: "I think the attention Florida is getting is a back-door sabotage effort to keep Jeb Bush from getting the Presidential nomination in 2008."

Jennifer Smith, Egypt: "I was thinking of moving to Florida. But it is safer here."

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Check out the books mentioned during this show.
The End of Blackness
by Debra Dickerson

Dishing: Great Dishes--and Dish--from America's Most Beloved Gossip Columnist
by Liz Smith