There were many passionate e-mails regarding The Factor's story about 5-year old Tia Hernlen, who called 9-1-1 after discovering her parents' bodies. They were killed by a man after trying unsuccessfully to obtain a restraining order against him. Some excerpts:
Dawn Higgins, Washington NJ: "Your segment on Tia was one of the most moving ever. Our family will help her and I hope all Factor viewers do the same."
Michael Grimler, Santa Fe NM: "The police can not protect everyone. People have to learn to protect themselves and sometimes that means getting a firearm."
Heather LePage, Marshfield WI: "I questioned your motives when you first ran the little girl's 911 call. Now that I see you following through to help her, I admit I was wrong."
Mary Parker, Orlando, Florida: "Central Florida is going to hell in a handbasket. I appreciate your exposing the corruption, Bill."
J.J. Henry, Huntsville TX: "Mr. O'Reilly, how utterly arrogant of you to suggest that a DA in Florida owes you an appearance on The Factor."