The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Monday, February 6, 2017
The Factor Rundown
Interview with President Trump
In lieu of a Talking Points Memo, Monday's show featured Bill's interview with President Trump. About ten minutes of the 40-minute interview aired prior to Sunday's Super Bowl, the entire conversation will run on The O'Reilly Factor Monday and Tuesday. Here are a few excerpts:

O'Reilly: Let's talk about Iran. Do you think we are on a collision course with that country?
President Trump: I think the deal made by the Obama administration was the worst deal ever, it's a shame that we had to sign a deal like that. We've given them billions and billions of dollars, we gave them $1.7 billion in cash, and we have nothing to show for it.
O'Reilly: Is it possible that you'll tear it up?
President Trump: We'll see what happens. They have total disregard for our country, they are the number one terrorist state, they are sending money and weapons all over the place and you can't do that.
O'Reilly: You're moving an aircraft carrier there, right?
President Trump: I never talk about military moves, I always criticized President Obama for that.

O'Reilly: Can we expect more U.S. military action against ISIS?
President Trump: I hate to be evasive, but I don't like talking about it. ISIS is bad, they're evil, they cut off heads of Christians and Muslims and anyone else who gets in their way. Not since medieval times has anything happened like this and the previous administration allowed it to happen.

O'Reilly: Let's turn to domestic policy. Can Americans expect a new health care plan rolled out this year?
President Trump: Maybe it will take into sometime next year, but we are certainly going to be in the process. It's very complicated, ObamaCare is a disaster, it doesn't work ... We will have something that is good and less expensive, really good health care.
Interview with President Trump Part Two
O'Reilly: As you know, California is considering becoming a 'sanctuary state.' So California and the USA are on a collision course.
President Trump: I'm very much opposed to sanctuary cities, which breed tremendous crime. This was a campaign issue and California is in many ways out of control. People are leaving California to move to Texas and other places that are run in a different manner. We will certainly not stand for sanctuary cities, let alone sanctuary states.

O'Reilly: It was fascinating to watch you at the Inauguration with Barack Obama. You seem to get along.
President Trump: We get along. I don't know if he'll admit this, but he likes me and I like him. He was vicious during the campaign toward me and I was vicious toward him. But then we hopped into the car at the Inauguration and we didn't even talk about it. Politics is amazing.
O'Reilly: What did you talk about?
President Trump: We talked about the the future of the country. I asked him what he thinks our biggest problem is and he told me.
O'Reilly: You gave a speech that excoriated him, you basically took his administration apart and he was sitting five feet away from you!
President Trump: I'm an honest person, the country has very deep-seated problems and we have to do something about it. And if you noticed, when I finished my speech, I turned around and shook his hand and he was very gracious and smiling.
Krauthammer on the Trump Interview
The Factor invited Charles Krauthammer to react to the big interview, especially the part where President Trump seemed to brush away the notion that Vladimir Putin is a murderer. "The obvious headline is the one that everyone caught," Dr. K said, "which was his reaction to your saying that Putin is a killer. Vladimir Putin is not only a killer, he's a shameless killer." Krauthammer also scrutinized the possible showdown between California and the federal government over sanctuary for illegal immigrants. "This has been triggered by Governor Jerry Brown. The president has made it very clear that if you are a sanctuary anything you will be cut off by the federal government. There is a lot of support in the country for that." The Factor predicted, "We're going to cut off California's money and they desperately need it because it's an entitlement state."
More Reaction to the Trump Interview
For one more take on the Trump sit-down, The Factor spoke with historian John Meacham. "I was obviously struck by the Putin comment," Meacham began. "For a man who is a nationalist economically and believes so strongly in American greatness, he has a strange blind spot with Putin. He allows Russia, our historic enemy, to wander off out of his sights. I was also struck by the fact that President Obama shared a private concern with him."
Trump's Travel Ban Blocked
President Trump's temporary suspension of immigration from seven predominantly Muslim nations has been blocked by Federal Judge James Robart. The Factor spoke about the judge with former U.S. Attorney John McKay. "He's a highly regarded district judge here in Seattle," McKay said, "and he's very conservative in the way he looks at the law. He was well-known here for doing pro bono work for low-income people, he would volunteer his time. He's seen as a straight shooter and a courageous judge. His latest order doesn't list the legal basis for his decision and this may ultimately go to the Supreme Court."
Watters Rolls a Perfect 300!
Six years ago Jesse Watters began pestering people all around the country in his notorious segments, of which there have now been exactly 300. The Factor re-aired some of Watters' greatest moments, including interviews with celebrities like George Clooney and hostile politicians such as Maxine Waters. There was also his tennis match with a topless woman, and of course those many conversations with Americans who were very proud of their piercings, drug use, and stunning ignorance. Yes, it is indeed Watters' World, and we are very fortunate to enter it once a week. Just ask him!
Viewers Sound Off
Factor Words of the Day
Elizabeth Johnson, Gig Harbor, WA: "Bill, shame on you! You were sarcastic with President Trump."

Elaine Fiveland, Sun City, CA: "You are the only interviewer who listens, O'Reilly. I give you a ten for the talk with President Trump."

Elaine Mozingo, Columbia, SC: "O'Reilly, please do not interview President Trump again. You always bait him into saying something that will be twisted by the liberal media."

Chuck Nagle, Nottingham, MD: "Mr. O, loved the interview. Most fair piece of work I've seen on any of the networks."
A Super Lesson
The Super Bowl was extraordinary and the Patriots taught all of us patriots a lesson - never give up, even when things look very bleak.